A |
to choose whether or not she wants to have a baby. Sensible family
TRUE MEANING: Aborticide. Brutal mayhem and murder of
helpless unborn babies. It is a woman's right to decide whether or
not to get pregnant. She does NOT have the right to decide whether
her baby lives or dies. Babies (even those unborn) have just as much
right to life as the mother. Neither mothers nor doctors have a
right to kill babies.
To abort their babies women must reject perhaps the
strongest instinct God put into them. It is an insidious spirit that
has infected the American mother to change her from savior, defender
and nurturer to her helpless baby … into her baby's murderer.
Killing one's own baby reverses the very meaning of motherhood.
offering of goods or services to the public through announcements in
the media.
ACTUAL MEANING: Over the last few decades "advertising" has
gone far beyond the announcement of products. It has become a
virtual science of commercial lying and manipulation. Like political
promises and cover-ups most ads are outright lies, and the
advertisement field is a study in deception and mind manipulation.
Retail sales in America are based on cleverness of packaging and
advertising rather than the quality of, or need for, the product.
American commerce is 90% trickery, deceit, and flim-flam due largely
to the gigantic, high-tech, high-paid advertisement industry.
Advertising may be described as the science of arresting the human
intelligence long enough to get money from it. — Stephen
Few people at the beginning of the nineteenth century needed an adman to
tell them what they wanted. —John Kenneth Galbraith
Advertising is the art of making whole lies out of half truths. —
You can tell the ideals of a nation by its advertisements.— Norman
disease which renders its victims perpetually drunk when they live a
normal lifestyle with normal amounts of alcohol consumption.
TRUE MEANING: Habitual drunkenness. The result of an
undisciplined and deliberate abuse of alcohol (a drug) to the point
of damaging one's own mind and body.
absolutely in one's own right, and not of any lord or superior; land
not subject to feudal duties or burdens. An estate held by absolute
ownership, without recognizing any superior to whom any duty is due
on account thereof. (Black's Law Dict.)
Land and/or property secured by allodial title and removed from, and
no longer subject to, state jurisdiction or taxation.
TRUE MEANING: The term "allode" comes from Latin (allodis),
meaning entirely and freely owned. "All" means "all." "Od" means
"property; wealth." "Allodium" means complete and uncompromised
ownership of land/property.
The above definition from Blacks Law Dictionary is essentially
correct ... but commonly misinterpreted. Many people today assume
that by careful and astute manipulation they can rescue their
land/property from state jurisdiction and achieve allodial
ownership, and thus remove the threat of government intrusion upon
their property. This, assumption, however, stems from an imperfect
understanding of law, and it disregards one vital factor: namely,
that private allodial ownership is impossible when an established
and empowered government has interest in that property.
"Allodial" must be free from any hold or interest of any lord or
superior: ownership without obligation of any kind. Allodial
ownership implies uncontested conquest, war being the usual
means to acquiring land in allodium. Allodium cannot be achieved or
acquired by permission, grant, or title. Allodium can only be
acquired by force. Allodial ownership is not possible for
individuals within the jurisdiction of a ruling government, for the
government lays claim to all the land it governs. The U.S.
Constitution empowers the government with "eminent domain" over all
its lands. This, alone, precludes the possibility of private
allodial ownership of U.S. land. Further, the U.S. Government is
constitutionally empowered to tax its land and property. The power
to tax presumes ownership/interest of the land. Thus, all U.S. land
is owned allodially, through conquest, by the government itself.
So-called "private ownership" of land is actually only rental, and
is granted under government jurisdiction.
Allodial ownership of land/property in the United States of America
is only by government itself unless and until a superior power
greater than the U.S. Government takes the land/property by force.
Then, the land/property will be allodially owned by
the new superior power.
Correctly, under God's law, God himself claims allodial ownership of
the land (Lev. 25:23). Man is given lease rights of land for use,
but neither men nor governments the right to sell, liquidate, lose,
speculate, or gamble with land.
Allodial" is not to be confused with "fee simple." "Fee simple" is a
legal term signifying property/land granted to a holder free from
taxes or fees of any kind. A "fee simple" title can be issued only
by a superior power (i.e., the allodial owner) to an inferior
beneficiary. Kings, for instance, could grant a title of "fee
simple" ownership to favored subjects. Allodial ownership is always
retained and held by the king (i.e., the government).
established government. Rejection of police law enforcement.
Rebellion toward authority.
CORRECT MEANING: Rejection of ALL government, including God.
ANARCHY (AN [no]—ARCH [ruler]) = "NO RULER." To reject human
rulers does not make one an anarchist. One must reject ALL rule,
including God's rule, to be a true anarchist.
Because Christians refuse to accept men (or groups of men) as rulers
and law makers, they may be called "anarchists" by the established
rulers and those brainwashed into accepting the concepts of "the
state" and "central government." However, by definition, no one who
accepts God's laws, or the laws of nature, could be an "anarchist."
STATED MEANING: A disparaging or
antagonistic attitude, or hostile act toward a Jew, a Jewish
organization or the religion of Judaism.
COVERT INTENT: Used to disarm, intimidate and confuse
Christians to become submissive to Jews at the expense and eventual
destruction of Christianity.
ACTUAL MEANING: Opposition toward people of Semitic
(Shemitic) origin.
(NOTE: Most people who call themselves Jews are not Semitic in
origin in that they are not descendants of Shem. In fact, most Jews
are not Semitic by race, and have no blood ties to Abraham or the
ancient nation of Israel. Rather they are more closely related to
the Ashkenazi (Kahzars) from eastern Europe which claim no
connection to Shem (Noah's son). By the same token, their religion,
Judaism, as well as their Jewish organizations, have no connection
to the ancient Hebrews of the Bible.
Thus, "Anti-Semitism," as a term, can only mean "to
be against Semites": i.e., descendants of Shem who are actually
Anglo-Saxon, Germanic and Scandinavian type people.
CHURCH MEANING: The greatest and
final World War prophesied in the Bible. It will be centered about
60 miles north of Jerusalem in the old Valley of Jezreel. All the
kings of the earth will converge there for battle, which will then
spread worldwide. The Battle of Armageddon will employ nuclear
weapons, and will cause the end of the world as we know it.
ACTUAL MEANING: "Armageddon" is not the name of a war, but
the name of a place (Rev. 16:16). The name of the war that
occurs there is "The War of the Great Day of God Almighty"
(Rev. 16:14).
The word "Armageddon" comes from two Hebrew words: HAR (mountain)
and MEGGIDO (regathering). In Bible symbolism, a "mountain" is a
nation. Thus, "Armageddon" = NATION OF REGATHERING.
Armageddon, by definition, is a kingdom or nation designated a
gathering place. The descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel – i.e.,
European, Germanic, English, Scottish, Irish, Scandinavian people –
have been regathered in America. Here the War of the Great Day of
God Almighty is being fought. The battle is not an end-time nuclear
holocaust, but rather a long-term conquest by certain powerful men
and groups to enslave the regathered remnants of the Children of
Israel. The war is not future; it has been raging here for over 200
years. The culmination of this war is called "The Supper of the
Great God" (Rev. 19:17, 18, 21) as the kings of the earth and
their weapons are destroyed by the "sword" (word) that proceeds out
of the mouth of Christ. Truth is the "sword" from Christ's
mouth that sets us free and destroys our captors.
The Battle for Truth is being fought here in America. America
is the "place called Armageddon."
B |
budget requires that government expenditures do not exceed the
amount of revenue collected. Expenditures in excess of annual
revenue collected accrue to "the national debt."
ACTUAL PURPOSE: While the above definition is correct, it
does not touch upon some important facts: 1. Government does NOT
intend to balance the budget. 2. Government is NOT REQUIRED to
balance the budget. 3. The federal deficit is NEEDED to keep the
Fed's bogus economy afloat.
A balanced budget is NOT one of government's goals. "Deficit
spending," as they call it, is one of government's main tools to
regulate national economy. Government does not intend to balance the
The Constitution authorizes government to borrow on the credit of
the United States (Art. 1, Sec. 8), but it says nothing about the
payment of that debt. Neither does it set a limit on the debt.
Therefore, since government is not required to pay its debts, the
loans amount to contributions — in essence, another form of
government revenue.
Federal Reserve Notes (and bank computer entries representing FRNs)
have come to be called "dollars" ... but they are NOT. They are
actually debt notes created and issued into circulation by
bank loans to both private and public sectors. The greater the
number of Fed Notes in circulation, the greater the collective debt.
Adequate debt (enough notes circulating) keeps tile economy afloat,
and too little debt (too few notes) causes a depression. Thus, the
U.S. economy is bogus — built upon debt.
The Feds regulate the volume of debt notes ("dollars" so-called) in
circulation to an amount sufficient to sustain commerce, but not
sufficient to extinguish the debt. The volume is regulated by bank
policy (interest rates; making loans easier or harder to get) ...
except where government is concerned. Interest rates and
payback are of no concern to government loans because it is not
expected to be repaid. Deficit spending, and the growing national
debt, is used by government to inject additional FRNs into
circulation. The additional currency created by deficit spending
facilitates the growing burden (escalating fees, usury, and taxes)
created by the expansion of government and its debt.
The banking system and its lackeys in government operate by fraud
and illusion — smoke and mirrors. One must watch carefully to keep
from being tricked. Eliminating the deficit would upset their
juggling act by pulling several billion FRNs (debt notes) out of
circulation. The economy would plunge ... and so would the people's
confidence in the system.
and convenient depository for your money which relieves you of the
threat of possible loss or theft. An advanced feature of modern
society which makes it possible to trade interstate, or
internationally, without gold or cash.
Anyone who does not have a bank account, and a bank credit card, is
considered a second-class citizen – disenfranchised and without the
business privileges of modern society.
Everyone needs a bank account!
CORRECT MEANING: A bank account is a tool used by the Beast
System to make it possible to keep extensive records on all their
subjects (citizens). Your Bank Account Number, and your Social
Security Number (required in order to open a Bank Account) are part
of what the Bible calls "the mark of the beast."
In Revelation 13:15-17, the prophecy accurately foretold that the Beast
System would force people to obtain a "mark" or a "number." Failure
to obtain a "number" would render a person unable to buy or sell
(i.e., conduct business). Most folks, today, are beginning to
realize that it is impossible to conduct business publicly without a
Bank Account and a number - thus, giving the Beast access to your
records and private life. This, of course, was its motive all along.
With your privacy compromised, and your life records available to
all agencies of banking and government, they have the means to
enslave and control you through taxation, investigation, and
intimidation via the IRS, the police and the courts.
Actually, bank accounts (and banks, as we know them) are totally
unnecessary. Local transactions are more easily conducted with cash.
Interstate, or international, transactions can be handled by notes
purchased from any reputable house of currency. This, however, would
not serve the beast's purpose of getting a day-to-day record of your
total cash flow – which records are then tallied and shared with the
IRS via central computers tied in with all member banks throughout
the world. If you have a bank account, your daily cash flow and tax
liability is known to every bank and credit institution in the world
– as well as the government.
Contrary to common brainwash, a bank account is NOT safe! It subjects
you to legalized theft, slavery, and loss of privacy,. Bankers have
convinced the public that it is not safe to store, carry or take
care of your own cash. Thus, most people carry checkbooks instead of
cash. However, less than 1% of the people get robbed of their cash
in their entire lifetime. And, very few people lose any substantial
amount of money by misplacing it. Compare that with the fact that
100% of the people who hand their cash over to a bank lose a
percentage of their money every day through fees, interest and
taxation. They are not only getting robbed – they generally become
thieves themselves by participating in usury accounts.
The beast system could be dealt a severe blow if everyone would deal
in cash as much as possible, purchase money orders for long distance
transactions, and QUIT KEEPING RECORDS.
rights/claims to which one is entitled by birth. A natural claim
upon all rights that accrue to someone's birth status.
ACTUAL MEANING: "Birthright" is a term inherited, not from
the Bible, but from English tradition. It was an offspring's claim
of ownership upon his share of the family estate. In modern society
the custom is nearly derelict since inheritances have become rare
among the impoverished common folk.
The word "birthright" is not a Bible term or concept. The English "birthright"
which appears in the KJV Bible comes from the Hebrew [bek-ora], and
Greek [prototokia]. Both mean literally "Firstbornship." No
"right" (entitlement; claim) is implied. In both cases the English
translators took license with the original meaning, and insinuated
English custom into it. "FIRSTBORNSHIP" is the correct translation.
What is intended by both the Hebrew and the Greek is an inherited
position, or rank. It indicates the firstborn's authority
and status in the family, not a so-called entitlement or claim due
him because he was born.
In Israel, the tradition of Firstbornship meant that the firstborn male
offspring was scheduled to inherit his father's position of
authority and responsibility to oversee the family estate. This was
more a responsibility and honor than a financial windfall since the
wealth belonged to the family, and he did not literally "own" the
land. All the land belonged to God Himself and could not be bought,
sold, traded away for profit, or lost from the family (Lev. 25:23).
with its members. Some churches view "membership" differently than
others. To be a member of some churches, you need only attend their
services and accede to their doctrines – thus, becoming a member of
the Body of Christ. In other churches, one must officially join by
swearing allegiance and taking out a document of membership – thus,
being accepted into the Body of Christ.
CORRECT MEANING: The Body of Christ has nothing to do with
churches. Rather, it is the collective, societal community of
called-out followers of Christ. A corporate entity ... in the sense
of incorporating and synchronizing various parts which work together
(however, not "corporate" in the sense of being franchised under the
power of the State).
The term, "Body of Christ," has been popularly perverted to refer to
church membership. However, the "Body," as a living, functioning
entity, encompasses every-day living, working, and co-operating.
Churches stand in contrast to that, and are nothing but businesses
of religion-for-profit. Like a stage show, they offer no solutions –
only temporary indulgence.
The community (ecclesia), on the other hand, is the instrument of God's
Kingdom to receive "life" as the Body of Christ. In the community,
"members" (ecclesians) voluntarily work, co-operate, and support one
CHURCH MEANING: That which is
composed of spirit, as opposed to that which is composed of physical
matter (flesh, etc.). Invisible; supernatural.
"... that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.." — John 3:6
CORRECT MEANING: "Spirit" is that which inspires or
motivates. Therefore, being "born of the spirit" means having one's
direction and intent formed by inspiration. One who is "born of the
spirit" is inspired to follow a particular direction or pattern. His
way of life reflects that which inspires him — which gave him that
"life." With Christians, that "life" is the spirit (inspiration) of
Christ and His law.
In contrast, one who is "born of the flesh" looks only to fleshly urges
to direct and define his life. His path is low and debased.
"But as many as received Him, to them He gave authority, to be the
children of God, ... Those born not of blood, nor of the will of
flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." —Jn. 1:12-13.
"Unless a man is born from above (i.e., inspired by God) he cannot
perceive God's kingdom" —Jn. 3:3.
By the same token, "children of promise" (i.e., inspired children) and
not just "children of the flesh," are counted for seed (Rm. 9:6-8).
"For as many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of
God" —Rm. 8:14.
C |
invest in, and own, property. Free Enterprise. The opposite of
Communism. The thing that keeps us free in the Western World.
Capitalism exists only in democracies like America, Britain, and
Western Europe.
CORRECT MEANING: A term, first used in the English language
in 1854, for a system which profits from manipulation of "capital"
rather than from work, genius and production. It provides for, and
protects, plutocrats (those who rule by wealth — Capitalist
prototypes) who profiteer from "capital" swindled from the industry,
skills and labor of others. Capitalists neither labor nor create.
They worship capital, which they hold sacred above all else — above
law, truth, liberty and even life. Bankers (Plutocrats) hold
mortgage on, and collect usury from, nearly all capital in
existence. They are the epitome of Capitalism.
"Capitalism," then, is merely a euphemism for the Debt/Usury Banking
System. It is NOT "free enterprise," but tightly controlled and
restricted. It completely demolishes freedom by imposing controls,
restrictions and taxes upon all labor and property. In contrast,
free commerce and property cannot be regulated. Capitalism
eliminates competition by transferring wealth into the hands of the
banking plutocrats who use it to enslave the people.
Capitalism and Communism are not opposites.
Capitalism is simply a system which favors Capitalists. A Capitalist
is one who profits from Capital. Capital is the trading stock of a
company, corporation or individual. Capitalists neither labor nor
create. They profiteer off others' industry, skills and labor.
The main difference between
Western economics ("Capitalism") and Eastern economics ("Communism")
is that Capitalists enslave people subtly by controlling Capital,
while Communists enslave people openly — showing that the slaves,
themselves, are the "Capital" or "trading stock" (see DAS KAPITAL,
by Karl Marx). Either way, the public is enslaved and forced to
support the financial and political rulers.
Points of logic:
1. Capitalists worship Capital. Capital is held
sacred above all else — above law, truth, liberty and even life (see
Rev. 18:9-13 "souls of men" is last in priority).
2. Bankers own, or hold mortgage on, nearly all Capital. Therefore,
bankers are the stockholders and the real Capitalists.
3. "Capitalism" is merely a euphemism for the "Debt/Usury Banking
centralized powers designed to control and prevent crime, protect
against foreign invasion, prevent anarchy and insurgence. A powerful
central government is necessary to protect and preserve the American
way of life.
CORRECT MEANING: Rule by force, trickery and lies. It is
man's attempt to usurp the Throne of God; to become "gods" with all
the powers of lawmaking and rulership that God says is HIS ALONE.
Central Government is, in essence, a conspiracy of a
few wealthy people to force their will upon the masses and keep
themselves permanently wealthy and unanswerable to ordinary law. It
is a form of nobility — a ruling class disguised as being
"representatives" of the people when in fact they consider the
people cattle to be controlled and used for war and for profit.
America that was originally founded by Christian Fathers and based
upon Democracy and a Christian Constitution: i.e., the Constitution
of The United States.
TRUE MEANING: A true Christian Nation is one that accepts
and follows Christ as its King. As such, a Christian Nation would
have no man-made constitution or set of laws created by rulers or
governing powers. Rather, it would honor Christ as its Reigning
King, and would believe in, and follow, the laws of God as laid out
in the Holy Bible. The "Constitution" of a Christian Nation would be
none other than the Bible itself.
The "Founding Fathers" of The United States were
Masonic rather than Christian. The principles they followed were
anti-Christian. The Constitution they created is an anti-Christian
charter that facilitated Babylonian-type plutocratic conquest of
America and its people.
organization for Christians to meet regularly for singing, praying
and worshipping.
TRUE MEANING: The English word "Church," the Scottish word
"Kirk" and the German word "Kirche" all originate from the Greek
word "κυριακος" KURIOKOS - which means "THE LORD'S." A "church" is
anything "belonging to a lord" (any "lord"). The word origin and
meaning has no logical connection to its modern-day usage among
churchgoers. Its popular usage hails back to the 4th century when
the Roman Emperor Constantine created the state-sanctioned
institution of "The Church" to bring certain religious sects under
state control.
The modern religious use of this word is enigmatic and defies all
logic. The English Bible translators substituted the word "church"
for the actual Bible word "ECCLESIA" (Gk. εκκλησια). A Christian
ecclesia is "A CALLED-OUT CIVIL BODY." In Scripture, it refers to
the civil body of "called-out" followers of Jesus. The term is
meaningful and should not be ignored or replaced by another word.
The word "church" does not actually appear in the Bible. When it
appears in English translations (versions) it is a mistranslation.
KURIOKOS (church) IS NOT ECCLESIA! The words are different;
the institutions are different. No where in the Bible do we find
a kuriokos. There is only "the called-out (elect)" ecclesia which
unfortunately was mistranslated into "church," changing it (in
English) to a form of state-sanctioned paganism.
"In the New Testament, ecclesia, signifying
'convocation,' is the only single word used (translated) for
'church.' It was the name given to the governmental assembly of
the citizens of Athens, duly convoked (called out) by proper
officers, and possessing all political power, including even
juridical functions."
—Encyclopedia Britannica, Ninth
Edition (1889)
Bishops and defenders of Christianity during its first seven
centuries. Holy men who preserved, taught, and made application of
the word of God from the time of the Apostles to the time that it
was canonized and secured by the church.
ACTUAL MEANING: The so-called Church Fathers, with the
possible exception of one or two of the very earliest, were
Romanized change agents who, during the first few centuries after
Christ's ascension, facilitated the replacement of "the faith
delivered to the saints" over to a Babylonian/Judean paganism via
the Church of Rome. They served the Church System which usurped the
original ecclesia of Christ. The title "Church Fathers" is
ignominious on its face, for it indicates a body of men who bred and
birthed a beast offspring. They fathered the Church System which
conspired with Central Government to confuse and rule the western
These "Fathers" are responsible for perverting the Word of God, turning
it from truth to paganized fairy tales; from a godly schematic of
how to live a blessed life under the Reign of Christ and the
Ecclesia, to a convoluted and confusing collection of disconnected
and meaningless nonsense called "Church doctrine." Thus they
disabled and dispossessed the Word of God, leaving government, law,
and social order to the exclusive purview of evil men. The Church
Fathers (including Constantine) put into place the Church System
with its perverted agenda that still holds sway over the minds and
lives of most professing Christians. Most so-called "Christians"
today learn church doctrine rather than Bible doctrine. Most people
who claim to be "Christians" are actually "Churchites." They know
the way of the Church, but they know little or nothing of the Way of
1. ... there shall be false teachers among you, who shall lead
astray into destructive sects, even denying the Lord that bought
them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
2. And many shall follow their unprincipled ways; through whom
the way of truth shall be blasphemed.
3. And through covetousness shall they exploit you with feigned
words ... — 2 Peter 2:1-2
4. Not every one that says to me, Lord, Lord,
shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of
my Father which is in heaven.
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have
we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils?
and in thy name done many wonderful works?
And then will I profess to them, I never knew
you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
— Mtt. 7:21-23
natural, or naturalized, member of a state or nation who owes
allegiance to its government and is entitled to its protection.
Originally, an inhabitant of a city (citi-zen). Later, as more and
more "cities" were Romanized, the term "citizen" took on Roman tone.
The term "citizen" more or less meant "Roman." Citizens were
enfranchised (civil-ized) under the Roman Civil Law. They had civil
rights and protections provided them by the government of Rome. They
also were expected to pay tax and perform according to Roman laws
and edicts.
Today, Roman Law still defines "citizenship." A
citizen is still one who is enfranchised under a ruler (or body of
rulers, like Congress), from whom he gets his protections and
rights, and to whom he owes allegiance.
A Christian is granted citizenship in New Jerusalem. That
citizenship is forfeit if he chooses to be a citizen of any other
CONTROLLED MEANING: The advanced state of society
when men are educated, industrious, and refined. Also, those areas
of the Earth occupied by "civilized" people.
ACTUAL MEANING: The assimilation of the Common Law over to
the Civil Law, and the change of status from
natural to legal. Originally "civilization" referred to
lands or people brought under Roman Civil Law; also
that "civil-izing" process. (civil:
of or belonging to citizens. —Oxford Dict.). The process of "civil-ization"
brought nations under the jurisdiction of Roman Civil Courts and
lowered natural man to the status of "citizen."
Governments that favored Roman law eventually came to use the term
"civilized" as synonymous with "blessed" and "advanced." However,
some lands rejected Roman government because they believed it was
oppressive and ungodly. These lands were "un-civil-ized."
As Roman idioms were adopted by the "Western World," the spirit of old
Rome lived on in Western law and Western government. Today,
Western Civilization is the modern parallel of the old
anti-Christ Roman Civilization.
CONTROLLED MEANING: An old and obsolete Scottish
form of society. An archaic culture which, after succumbing to
British society, subsequently became only a novelty tradition. In
America, when spelled with a "k" (klan) it refers to the Ku Klux
CORRECT MEANING: "Clan" is another word for "tribe." A clan
is a society of independent households united by the common descent
of the heads of each house. While Scottish culture had clans, the
phenomenon was not limited to the Scots. Tribal cultures (clans)
have existed on every continent. Ancient Hebrew culture, as well,
was built around tribes (clans). The term has no etymological
connection to the Masonic fraternity "Ku Klux Klan."
As families have heads, clans also have heads — called patriarchs.
Jacob was one such clan patriarch. This patriarchal form of
ecclesian society and civil government was God's choice of society
for Israel.
CONTROLLED MEANING: A political Rightist who
generally favors freedom, Capitalism and strong government. Anyone
who is anti-Socialist/anti-Communist and anti-Liberalism. Also,
anyone who subscribes to traditional morality and discipline.
CORRECT MEANING: "Disposed to conserve or preserve." In
politics or ethics, it means "disposed to keeping existing
conditions and traditions; resisting change." Whereas "Liberal"
means open minded and amenable to change, "Conservative" means
narrow-minded and resistant to change. Politically and religiously
speaking, Conservativism assumes the Establishment is right.
Therefore, Conservatives favor the Institutions and traditions of
the Establishment (State; King; Church; War; etc.).
Again, notwithstanding modern political jargon, "Conservative" does
not imply moral or good. Nor does it imply contempt for
Socialism or Communism. The Politburo of the old Soviet Union were
"Conservatives" ... as were the Pharisees of first-century Jerusalem
who murdered Christ. There are both conservative and liberal
proponents of all government systems – including Communism,
Monarchism, Buddhism, Islam, Republicanism, etc. For example, the
Bush family, the CIA, and the FBI are all "Conservative." They
helped create and finance both Hitler's Nazi regime and Stain's
Communist regime. In no way can these "conservative" organizations
be considered moral or Christian.
"Conservatives" always uphold the current system – especially when
it is THEIR SYSTEM. Thus, patriotic constitutionalists are
"conservatives" hoping to preserve the system set up by "the
Founding Fathers." On the other hand, anyone who aspires to the
Reign of Christ rather than the wicked system of American
government, could not be considered "conservative" from the
viewpoint of American patriotism.
CONTROLLED MEANING: Government ownership and
control of all property and capital as opposed to private ownership.
The opposite of Capitalism.
CORRECT MEANING: A term, first used in the English language
in 1843 for a system in which capital and labor is "vested in the
community," but controlled by the state.
The most notable Communist nation (the USSR – now defunct) was
created, financed and sustained by the U.S. Government for purposes
of developing the Cold War, during which, under the pretext of
Soviet threat, the US Government and Military managed to expand by
orders of magnitude into a world-ruling Beast.
In 20th-century practice, Communism and Democracy are both branches
of Capitalism. "Communist" central governments are instruments of
the same plutocratic Capitalists who oversee the so-called
"Democratic" governments of the world. The only visible difference
between them is that Capitalistic Communism overtly controls
"capital" — whereas Capitalistic Democracy subtly and covertly
controls capital while giving the illusion of private ownership.
Both Democratic Capitalism and Communistic Capitalism are
Plutocratic tools used to enslave the people and force them to
support their slave masters. Both forms of central government are
separate heads of the same international Beast System — bred, kept
and trained by the Plutocrats of international finance.
The Plutocrats introduced the concepts of "Socialism," "Communism"
and "Capitalism" in a short 15-year interval (1838-1854) — the very
time they began preparing the western world for conquest by the
CONTROLLED MEANING: The number of robberies,
murders, rapes, or other crimes by citizens, against citizens,
during a specified time period. An accurate index of actual crime.
TRUE MEANING: As published, the "crime rate" is merely an
index of police activity within the Law Enforcement Growth
Industry. The actual rate of crime remains relatively unknown.
The more police, the more crime. The police and court
systems create "crime" where it doesn't really exist, thus making it
appear that crime is on the increase. This, then, creates public
mood for more "police protection" and higher taxes.
In theory, police are supposed to deter "crime," but statistics
show otherwise. If police deterred crime then an increase in the
number of cops should cause a decrease in crime and the size and
number of prisons (detention centers). However, this dynamic
actually works in reverse. Police growth produces crime and prison
growth, a fact which leads one to suspect that prisons are basically
an outgrowth of the police industry and the court system.
Police have little, if any, real effect upon actual crime except
to possibly add to it through corrupt police departments and crooked
cops. They create crime of their own through drug deals, blackmail,
torture, falsifying reports, lying in court, harassing helpless
citizens, and embezzling "contraband." Furthermore, a police state
suppresses the natural tendency for people to own guns and protect
themselves. Police are never present during the actual commission of
a crime, and can only respond AFTER the crime has been completed.
Even then, the percentage of crimes that get solved is pathetically
low. Only the people, themselves, can lower the crime rate by
personally protecting themselves and their property.
CONTROLLED MEANING: A group of people bound
together by radical religious or political beliefs—usually under
one leader who diverts them away from established religion and
ACTUAL MEANING: Any group (sect) that follows a
particular set of beliefs or teaching. From the Latin word "colere"
meaning "to cultivate (politics) or worship (religion)." It is not
an inherently negative term, but it has become a negative buzz word
used to discredit any group choosing independence from the
established and accepted norms of the masses and the established
Note: The general consensus of the masses ("conventional wisdom") is
usually faulty — as is "the majority" in nearly every issue.
Therefore, any group that offers a worthwhile public contribution to
knowledge will almost certainly be what is usually called "a cult."
D |
CHURCH MEANING: An appointed office of church
ACTUAL MEANING: From the Greek word DIACONOS, meaning
"servant" or "minister." The New Testament word depicts not a church
officer, but rather a person led to serve or minister. As with the
word "elder" (which means "older") the church industry has twisted
the Bible by changing the meaning of its words to fit their own
CONTROLLED MEANING: A means to facilitate commerce
through credit. The borrower is benefited in that he gets to buy the
item/s sooner than if he waited until he could afford to pay cash.
The seller is benefited in that the item/s sell faster since they
can be purchased now, and financed by the bank.
ACTUAL MEANING: Liability or obligation created by borrowing.
"The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender."
— Proverbs 22:7
Debtors are slaves to the lenders. This is exacerbated even further
by the practice of usury. Lenders become richer, and borrowers
become poorer.
Bankers have perfected a method of perpetuating debt, thus
perpetuating their rule over the common people. That method is
called "usury." Usury prevents debts from ever being settled, thus
the people are kept forever in debt to the bankers.
The Babylonian/Jewish-style banking system turns lending into a tool
to benefit the lender. Scripturally, lending is supposed to be an
act of kindness ... to benefit the needy — not a usurious scheme to
benefit an enterprising lender. Jews have historically been the
premier money lenders and usurers due to the fact that they ignore
Bible law and reject Christian ethics.
Scripture prohibits the practice of lending or borrowing for profit
or business investment. Rather, biblical lending is a means to help
a brother in need. God's law forbids a lender from oppressing a
debtor to collect a debt. His law further declares that six years is
the limit any debt may exist. A godly lender must be ready to
forgive any debt that the borrower cannot afford to pay back, or
which extends beyond "the year of release."
CHURCH MEANING: God and/or Jesus.
ACTUAL MEANING: A god (in any form). Deities are
often mere men who were granted the status of "deity" by other men.
Deified men sometimes claim to be the "embodiment" or "incarnation"
(i.e., they are possessed by) supernatural gods.
In Greece and Rome, the emperors were deified at the time
they took office. This practice was carried on by their successors:
the Roman Catholic Church. The Pope, as the embodiment of Peter,
carries the title "Emperor" and is worshipped in true deity
custom. Also, since Rome had numerous gods and goddesses, the
Church, not to be outdone, elevated Mary to "deity" to replace their
mother goddess Juno, and the dead "saints" replaced the other Roman
gods. The Church's appointment to sainthood was, in essence, a rite
of deification. Thus, Mary and the "saints" (Peter, Andrew,
Paul, etc.) are worshipped and prayed to as "deities."
The word "deity" comes from the Greek "Ζευς" [Dzeus], Δια [Dia], "Διος"
[Dios], "Δις"[Deece) and the Latin "Deus" and "Dias." These words
were loosely used to indicate "godship" or "divinity" — sometimes of
mortal men. The pagans thought supernatural gods could "incarnate"
(possess) human forms as revealed in Acts 14:11-12:
And when the people saw what Paul had done, they lifted up
their voices, saying...The gods are come down to us in the likeness
of men. And they called Barnabas Jupiter (Gk: "Zeus" – i.e., the
Father); and Paul Mercurius (Gk: "Hermes" –i.e., the Son) because he
was the chief speaker (Gk: " logos.")
"Incarnated" human deities were looked upon as two-in-one
- i.e., supernatural gods and natural humans simultaneously. Thus,
the term "deity" carries a connotation of "duality." This duality is
clearly reflected in the root meaning: "two" ("deuce"; "dia"
- see above). In Latin-based dialects, the numeral "dós" (two) and
the word "dias" (diety) reflect the same Greek root words.
The Bible does NOT use the word "Diety" or any related word to refer
to Jesus. In the churches Christ is called "Deity" in
keeping with the traditional pagan superstitions depicting deities
as dualities: simultaneously "god" and "man - two in one."
CONTROLLED MEANING: A form of government in which
the highest power is vested in the citizens ("we the people"). The
bastion of freedom and liberty throughout the world.
CORRECT DEFINITION: From the Greek "demos" (common people)
and "kratos" (rule): thus, "rule by the common people." In a
true democracy government would be ruled by the common people. This,
however, is NOT what rules America. America is ruled by money powers
(bankers) exercising power through politicians and judges. It is, in
essence, a Plutocracy (rule by the rich).
America is not a real Democracy ... but if it were it would amount
to "government by men" (as contrasted to government by God).
"Democracy" is a term used by politicians to confuse and manipulate
"the people" into practicing idolatry. The people are led to believe
they, collectively, are god (i.e., they can create and/or change law
- legislate) through voting and writing their congressmen. Thus, the
people are deceived by "subtle" devils (Gen. 3:6) to think they can
"become as God, knowing good and evil" (i.e., make their own
laws instead of accepting God's laws).
This idolatry (self-worship) leads "the people" into bondage under
an elite ruling class of sly, subtle serpents (bankers, politicians
and priests) who claim to be "representatives" and protectors. The
inherent problem is that these so-called "protectors of the public"
always manipulate things to their own advantage.
Synonymous with "Satan." The supernatural arch-demon who fell from
heaven, and now, with his legions of fallen angels (demons), reigns
over the earth. He is God's arch-enemy, and he spoils God's plans
for mankind by wielding his supernatural power over men.
Man has no power to match "The Devil." Therefore, we are helpless
against his power — except when God chooses, periodically, to help
us fight him. Mankind is generally under the control of this
supernatural "spirit-being" who is immortal, omnipresent, and
apparently a rival to God Himself.
BIBLICAL MEANING: In the King James Version of The
Old Testament the word "devil" is found four times — always in
the plural (devils). Twice from the Hebrew word "shade,"
and twice from "saweer."
1. SHADE: One who rises up against you (with insolence).
2. SAWEER: A he-goat (related to mythological "satyr" - half man,
half goat).
Neither of these definitions from the Old Testament indicate
anything supernatural or angelic. "Shade" simply means someone
(anyone) who wants to hurt you. "Saweer" is a reference to a
goat-type idol of the pagans, and can indicate an insolent goat-type
In the New Testament Greek, "devil" is "DIABOLOS": One who
"thrusts through" (as with a sword) [DIA -
through, and BOLOS - to
thrust.]. There is nothing in
this word to indicate a supernatural being or power.
A "diabolos" (a devil) is something, or someone, that intends to hurt or
destroy you. A "devil" can be a person, an animal, a group, or an
organization that seeks your harm. To find a supernatural "devil" in
the Scriptures he must be read in by prejudice and presupposition on
the part of translators and readers.
CONTROLLED DEFINITION: Unfair preference of one
race of people over another ... with particular attention to white
people (particularly Christians) favoring their own race.
PURPOSE: This term is used by people with criminal intent to
discredit, intimidate and weaken Whites and Christians by labeling
them bigots, extremists and hate mongers. Their intention is to
disempower a whole class of people and block Christian influence in
CORRECT DEFINITION: Recognition of observable scientific
distinctions between things, including people, plants, chemicals,
laws, gods, etc.. All people, and all things, naturally
"discriminate." Nature discriminates without apology. People,
animals, plants and even minerals exercise preferences
(discrimination) in their chemistries and their life cycles.
True discrimination is unavoidable, and life as we know it could
not exist without it. It is the process of natural selection, as
well as examination and choice. In Christians it is the process of
weeding out error and facilitating growth and progress. It applies
to all areas of endeavor.
Unfair and inaccurate discrimination is another thing
altogether, and should be avoided.
CONTROLLED MEANING: Outmoded Old Testament
beliefs, personal eccentricities and inflexible tenets which create
differences between churches and destroy fellowship and unity.
CORRECT MEANING: Doctrine is a "teaching"; a principle; a
studied belief. Sometimes called "dogma" (German for "doctrine").
II Timothy 3:16 says that Scripture is doctrine. Isaiah 29:24 says
that the people who are in error will be able to understand the
truth when they learn doctrine.
True doctrine is what is taught in the Bible. There are NO
"non-essential" truths! None are expendable! None can be discarded
or ignored! Truth stated as a teaching is doctrine. Without doctrine
it is impossible to teach or arrive at an opinion. Discernment,
judgment and correction require it.
Churches commonly adopt an "anti-doctrine" attitude: a symptom of
ignorance and confusion. Some claim to have an aversion doctrine, or
prefer neutrality concerning it. This is nonsense! Such a position,
itself, is a doctrine. An anti-doctrine position exposes an ulterior
antipathy for law, truth, learning and wisdom.
When a person learns true doctrine and then considers it
non-essential and chooses to set it aside he develops chronic
spiritual blindness. (II Thess 2:10-12)
OF EPHRAIM (Isaiah 28)
CHURCH MEANING: Those of the tribe of Ephraim who
drank too much wine and thus incurred the wrath of God.
CORRECT MEANING: Isaiah used the term "drunkards of
Ephraim" primarily to refer to men addicted to "the wine of
Babylon" (Rev. 17:2; 18:3) — not just alcoholic drink. The
wine of Babylon dulls and perverts the spirit as fermented
drink dulls and perverts the brain — thus the analogy. The rulers in
Ephraim were drunk with greed, power and indulgence — traits
acquired by emulating the Babylonish government models in the
nations around them. The common people were also in a state of
drunken confusion from years of complicity under Babylonish church
and state to which they had passively acquiesced — turning them into
cowards and slaves.
Today's counterparts to Isaiah's "drunkards of Ephraim"
1. Politicians, bureaucrats, and church leaders — drunk with greed
and power — controlling and confusing the common people.
2. Common people who welcome spiritual inebriation in order to
passively accept civil and religious criminals in central
E |
CHURCH MEANING: An appointed officer of church
ACTUAL MEANING: Both the Hebrew and Greek words, translated
"elder" in English Bibles, mean "old" or "aged" (i.e., "elderly").
The churches have changed the meaning of the words to fit their
pagan structure. Jesus instituted ecclesias for the structure
of society. But Jewish and Roman society structure was based upon
centralized rulers. Christ's Kingdom has families and communities
led by elders, but Babylonian/Roman society is ruled by clergy and
politicians – a better scheme for centralization and control.
Biblical elders are the older respected men of a family, clan, or
community. Their position is not by election or appointment, but
rather by virtue of their years, wisdom and earned respect (as in
Titus 1:5, "...establish elders in each city as I ordered you.").
Men become elders by virtue of age and earned honor, not by church
CONTROLLED MEANING: Immortality. The status we
achieve upon going to heaven or being resurrected.
CORRECT MEANING: An eon is an age. "Eonian" means "of the
age" (any age). "Eonian life" (wrongly translated "eternal life" in
the KJV Bible) is "the life (spirit)" we receive from Jesus that
invigorates mortal bodies in this age (eon) (Rom. 8:11). It is also
called "new birth," and "1st raising." "Eonian" does NOT mean
"eternal." "Eternal" appears no where in the Greek text, and is a
term adapted by the churches. The Bible speaks of mortality,
immortality, life, death, and ages, but it does not speak of
"eternal" life. Those words were mistranslated by the churches.
"Eternal" actually does not mean "unending" as we've been told. (see
"eternal life" - ATCD)
CHURCH MEANING: Timeless, unending life; without
beginning or end. Life existing always, past, present, future ...
before and beyond time itself. Life which cannot begin and cannot
end. Infinite life incapable of not existing.
Life in the spirit realm, beyond mortal life. "Immortal, ever lasting
life." Spirit is eternal. Also the "soul" is immortal and eternal.
When man's mortal life ends, his eternal spirit (soul) continues
living ... either in heaven, or in hell.
TRUE MEANING: "Eternal" is from the Latin aeternus ["age-term"]
– literally, "term or duration of an age." "Eternity" is
actually "an age" ... and an age is not forever. Ages have
beginnings and ends. Thus, "eternal life" correctly means
"age-term life."
"Eternal life" has been redefined by pagan theology. The Bible in
its original Hebrew and Greek contains no such word. Furthermore,
the concept of "timeless life" in this age can apply to only ONE
being: Yahweh himself. All others were created and had beginnings,
thus they cannot be called timelessness; without beginning or
God offers man a present spiritual life in Christ (called
eonian life), and a future endless life (immortal life). But
timelessness cannot apply to man. ONLY Yahweh is timeless.
The English word "eternal" was not only redefined as "timeless" by
the churches, but also wrongly used by the KJV translators for six
different Hebrew and Greek words — none of which mean "timeless."
This has caused great confusion. The six Bible words, and their real
meanings, are: 1. (Heb) qedem:
the distant past; antiquity. 2. (Heb)
olam: undetermined duration. 3.
(Heb) ad: duration of time going backward to a beginning,
or forward to an end. 4. (Gk)
aidios: an extended duration. 5. (Gk) eon: an age. 6. (Gk) eonian: of an age.
"Eonian" means of the age" (eon = "age"). Churches have
wrongly defined "eternal" (age term) and ignored the term "eonian"
(of the age). Thus, "eternal" and "eonian" were originally
close in meaning.
F |
CHURCH MEANING: Belief in the unknown. Acceptance
of a teaching devoid of reason, logic and common sense.
ACTUAL MEANING: In the Bible, the word comes from the Greek
"πιστις" (pis'-tis) which means persuasion; credence.
The root word is "πειθω" (pi'-tho): to convince. Thus,
faith comes from reasoning and logic; from being intelligently
persuaded and convinced by a credible,
proposition. Trusting the unknown is not "faith" - it is
Faith is: assurance of things expected; contemplation of things not
yet in sight. —Hebrews 11:1
CONTROLLED MEANING: One who supports federal
government and the union of the states in America.
CORRECT MEANING: In the first years of The United States as a
nation, two political parties competed for control. One was "the
Federalists" (sometimes called "Monarchists") led by Alexander
Hamilton. They were in favor of centralized federal power over the
states. The other was "the Democratic-Republicans" (sometimes called
"Jeffersonians"). They preferred a weaker central government with a
loose federation of the states retaining their independence and
sovereignty. Many, like Patrick Henry, had opposed Alexander
Hamilton's new constitution (and new government) from the beginning.
They became known as "Anti-Federalists."
The Anti-Federalists were in favor of a FEDERATION of independent
states (under the Articles of Confederation adopted in 1777) rather
than the a new Federalist government where the states would lose
their independence. The Anti-Federalists were unsuccessful against
the Federalists. Washington and other powerful elitists sided with
Hamilton, and the new Federalist government was created in
Philadelphia in a secret convention in 1787.
The new constitution did not create a confederation. It destroyed
the current confederation by creating a new central SUPERSTATE which
swallowed up all the individual states and removed their
independence. In the 1860's, the Southern States (The Confederate
States) attempted to reclaim their independence resulting in The War
Between The States (i.e, The Civil War) but their defeat by the
powers of "The Union" proved that the states had indeed lost their
CONTROLLED MEANING: To meet together and visit
with friends.
BIBLE MEANING: In Scripture, "fellowship" comes from the
Greek word "KOINONIA" (to be in common with – to share in strife
and/or blessings - etc. ). It is usually translated "fellowship" or
"communion." To have "fellowship" is to share in common experiences
– for instance, the same work, the same enemies, the same hardships,
successes, etc. "Fellowship in Christ" means to share in Christ's
battles and in His goals for the kingdom.
"That I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and
the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his
death;" —Philippians 3:10
CONTROLLED MEANING: To ignore or overlook
someone's sin. To forget a sin or a crime. Christians must forgive
one another all past sins.
When a sinner repents and becomes a Christian his past sins are
forgiven and forgotten as if he had never sinned.
TRUE MEANING: To grant or "give" release of a debt. There is
no case for forgiveness unless there is first a debt. To "forgive"
one who is not in your debt, as churchgoers are taught to do, is a
meaningless gesture. Unless one has hurt or damaged you, and
incurred a debt to you, you have no debt to forgive. A sinner can be
forgiven only by whom ever he has sinned against. A sinner must seek
forgiveness from the one/s he has hurt.
If our debtor seeks our forgiveness, we are commanded to forgive, as
God forgives our debts when we ask Him. Forgiving a debt, however,
does not erase all memory of the past sin. A man of God remembers
his past debts and learns from them so he does not repeat them in
the future.
Some sins leave scars that do not go away even though the sins are
healed. For instance, drug abuse can damage one's health and mind
even after he has repented from the habit.
CONTROLLED MEANING: The result of living under the
protection and oversight of democratic constitutional government in
which people have the right to vote. Majority rule expressed through
government. The privilege to participate in choosing who rules.
TRUE MEANING: To owe no debt or obligation to any man or
institution of men, except that which is owed to all men — i.e., to
respect their freedom equally with your own. "Owe no man
anything, but to love one another: for he that loves another has
fulfilled the law." — Rom 13:8.
One man's freedom ends at the point it intrudes upon another man's
Freedom begins with a concept — a state of mind. The mind, once
freed, then goes on to pursue physical freedom as well. In John
8:32, Jesus states: "And you shall know the truth, and the truth
shall set you free." Freedom comes from truth, and cannot come
from central government — itself being a fraud, and its methods
primarily lies, tricks, and deceit.
Freedom for man is expressed perfectly in God's law as it sets
guidelines to protect one's own freedom without violating the
freedom of others. God, by teaching us His law (truth), gave us the
means for freedom. Jesus reiterated it. Truth leads us towards
freedom and away from slavery.
Freedom, like truth, is not inherited. It must be learned and
preserved by each generation. The pursuit of truth, freedom and
happiness is every man's birthright and individual responsibility.
It cannot be transferred or deferred to another or to a government.
People who don't accept individual responsibility, and won't strive
for their own freedom, are known as slaves.
CONTROLLED MEANING: Uncontrolled dissemination of
important information to the public
TRUE MEANING: The "Press" as we know it is not free. The
Press is owned and controlled by a handful of powerful men and
corporations. Their agenda is to control what the public knows and
thinks, cover up government crimes, and suppress public dissention.
A method to blackout, censor and control information.
CONTROLLED MEANING: Anyone of your acquaintance
who is nice to you.
TRUE MEANING: From the German "freund":
to love in the sense of a kinsman. Allied to "free,"
hence applied to those of the household who are kinsmen and not
A "friend" is more than an "acquaintance." A "friend" is one with whom
there is mutual love, respect, and kinship (genetically and/or
spiritually). A true friend must be someone who has been proven. A
mere acquaintance may not be a "friend."
Heartache and confusion result from treating acquaintances as if
they are automatically friends. It is improper to bestow the respect
and trust reserved for a friend upon a mere acquaintance, for to do
so cheapens that trust and diminishes the meaning of friendship.
One may have many acquaintances but only a few "friends." The ability to
recognize a friend requires spiritual insight. Finding a true friend
is like finding a treasure. One who is incapable of discriminating
between friends and acquaintances are likely to trust non-friends
while true friends are ignored and unappreciated.
Friendship, as well as the ability to recognize it, is a gift from God.
This gift an outgrowth of "eonian life" coming from Christ.
G |
CONTROLLED MEANING: Homosexual; an alternate
viable lifestyle. Some people are born homosexual and this is
perfectly natural.
TRUE MEANING: Sodomite or Queer. The Bible calls this
type of sexual deviation an abomination: Lev 18:22, Rom 1:27, 1 Cor
6:9. The term "gay" (actually meaning happy and carefree) was
twisted and misused in the last decades of the 20th century in an
attempt to nullify the moral stigma associated with the terms
"sodomite" or "queer."
CONTROLLED MEANING: Anyone who is not a Jew and
thus a potential "anti-Semite."
CORRECT DEFINITION: From the Latin word "gentilis,"
meaning "of the same gens, clan or race." The word "gentile" is not
a Bible word, and was injected into the English translation by
church hirelings. In the English Bible, the word "gentile" appears
as a mistranslation of the Hebrew word "goy,"
and the Greek word "ethnos"– both meaning "NATION
OR PEOPLE" (ANY nation or people) and should have been translated
thus. It does not mean "non-Israelite," nor does it mean
CHURCH MEANING: The name of the Christian Deity.
The "Trinity;" composed of three persons: The Father, The Son, and
The Holy Spirit.
CORRECT MEANING: From the Anglo-Saxon "god," "gott," and Old
Teutonic "gudo" meaning 'THAT WHICH IS INVOKED" (anything called
upon; i.e.. venerated). The word "god" is a TITLE, not a name,
although it has been mishandled by translators and churches that for
centuries have used it as a name.
English Bible translators used the word "god" to render the Hebrew
"EL" and "ELOHIM" [mighty one/s], and the Greek "THEOS." A "mighty
one" is anyone with great power. A "god" is anyone who is venerated
and held high above the common people. These terms in the bible
apply to both natural and supernatural personalities — i.e.. Yahweh,
Jesus, Moses, judges, kings, Roman Emperors, pagan idols, Greek
mythological characters, etc.
A "god" makes laws. A nation's lawmakers are its gods. Christians
are commanded to have no LAWMAKER (god) before Yahweh.
CHURCH MEANING: God changed Himself into flesh and
became Jesus.
ACTUAL MEANING: "To manifest" means: to show; to explain.
Therefore, to say that "God manifested Himself in the flesh" is to
say that explained Himself through a man (Jesus) thus He showed
Himself to the world. Yahweh projected Himself through Jesus
somewhat like a camera projects a picture signal through a TV
screen. The picture on the TV screen is a manifestation
of the object in the TV studio miles away. The two points of
reference (the object before the camera, and the image on the TV
screen) are distinct from one another. One is a manifestation of the
other, and both exist simultaneously and separately.
Yahweh did not convert Himself into a mortal man. Nor did He insert
His "spirit" ("incarnate") into a flesh body. Jesus is NOT just an
alternate name for Yahweh. If that had been the case, then there
would not have been a distinct Son, Jesus. Instead, He would have
been Yahweh incognito. The Bible teaches that Jesus came in
the flesh, NOT that Yahweh came in the flesh.
Jesus was the screen upon which Yahweh projected Himself. They are
TWO distinct beings; one reflecting the other. The special way in
which Yahweh put qualities and attributes of Himself into His Son
made Jesus qualified to be called "the express image of God."
If Jesus had been Yahweh Himself, He could not have died … because
Yahweh cannot die. If Jesus did not die then He could not have been
raised; and if He was not raised we are lost (1 Cor. 15:12-17).
Yahweh does not change (Mal. 3:6). He used the life of Jesus
through which He expressed and manifested Himself to mankind. Jesus
was a living epistle sent from God. Yahweh manifested
Himself in Jesus the same way Jesus manifested
Himself in us: "...that the life also of Jesus might be made
manifest in our mortal flesh." (2 Cor. 4:11)
CONTROLLED MEANING: A parting expression for
polite company. Normally means, "I'm leaving, or "I'll see you
CORRECT MEANING: An old English contraction of "God be with
ye" (God be w'ye). It is obviously a Christian salute or farewell
wish of blessing from God. The idea being that "if God be with you,
you will do well."
CONTROLLED MEANING: The body of politicians that
rules over states and nations. The sovereign, central ruling power.
Governments are required for civil society among men.
CORRECT MEANING: The exercise of restraint or regulation – as
in "Self-Government." Government, itself, is not an institution. The
state or nation is the institution, and "Government" is only the
application of its laws of charter. Christian government is the act
of shepherding, overseeing, ministering.
The concept of "government" as a ruling institution is purely pagan. It is
based upon the heathen premise that Man is God.
Men are not rightly "lawmakers," "rulers" or "lords" (Jms 4:12 & I
Pet 5:1-3). Pagan central rulership is very different from Christian
"But Jesus called them to him, and said to them, 'You know that they which
are accounted to rule over the Heathen exercise lordship over
them (pagan government);. . . But so shall it not be among you:
but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister
(Christian government). And whosoever of you will be the chiefest,
shall be servant of all for even the Son of man came not to
be ministered to, but to minister,. . .'." (Mark 10:42-45)
CHURCH MEANING: Freedom from, and replacement for,
law; impunity from sin and judgment.
TRUE MEANING: From the Greek "CHARIS" which means
"pleasing circumstance," "approval," "gladness," "cause for joy." It
expresses the gladness of knowing God's kindness and forgiveness.
Grace does not replace law. Without law there would be no need for
grace. The formula is this: a) Sin is the breaking of
God's law; b) Grace is the remedy for sin. c)
Therefore, without law there is no sin, and without sin
there is no need for God's grace. Grace results in man
obeying God by choice and with gladness rather than by force and
regulation of guns for the safety of the public. Guns are
unnecessary, dangerous and they create criminals and crime. The
people are apt to hurt themselves with guns. Therefore, the
government must control and/or eliminate private gun ownership,
which will, in turn, control and/or eliminate danger and crime. The
public is safer and happier when no one has guns except the
TRUE MEANING: Forced pacification of the people by removing
their last means of self-defense, thus making us helpless against
crime as well as government tyranny and plunder. "Gun control" is an
Orwellian term which actually means "disarm the citizens." Its
intent is to protect government against dissent – insuring that
government power and abuse cannot be seriously challenged.
Guns are not dangerous unless they are misused — the same as knives,
cars, chain saws, and electricity. The difference with guns is that
they are highly efficient tools for self-defense. Thus, the
government's motive is not to protect citizens from harm, but
to eliminate their ability to protect themselves. The government's
motive is to protect itself — not the people.
A gun is an "equalizer." It gives "the small guy" the means to
defend himself against "the big guy." Thus, a gun can provide
protection against bullies and crooks. The truth is that guns in the
hands of private citizens are dangerous ONLY to criminals
(including those in government)! Criminals (including politicians
and bankers) naturally fear guns in the hands of their potential
victims. That is why politicians don't want anyone, other than
themselves and their hirelings (police), to have guns.
The politicians and bankers that want private citizens
disarmed, and claim that guns are more dangerous than they are
helpful, spend big money to hire armed body guards to use guns to
protect them. Governments are the biggest gun dealers in the world,
selling millions of guns, planes and bombs to bands of
outlaws/armies in other countries.
The US Government wants the American public disarmed and
reliant upon police for protection. This leads to larger police
forces, more government, and, higher taxes. A disarmed citizenry
with a large, well-armed, government police force, guarantees
incontestable government tyranny over its people.
First comes mandatory gun registration. Next comes licensing the
carrier. Then tighter and tighter restrictions. Finally, it becomes
so difficult and risky to own or carry a gun that most people will
just give up trying. Inevitably, the threat of police reprisal is
greater than the threat of common street crime. Thus, in a police
state, the police are the greatest public menace.
The only "gun control" that makes sense is: "HITTING THE
H |
CONTROLLED MEANING: Rejection or dislike of
someone because of race, sexual orientation, religion, bigotry and
prejudice. Hate and intolerance should not be tolerated.
RIGHT MEANING: To reject by reason of judgment, selection, or
preference. The crusade against "hate crime," so-called, is merely
and attempt to prevent scrutiny of criminal and/or aberrant
Christians hate the things God hates:
"Do not I hate them , 0 Lord, that hate thee ? ... I hate them
with a perfect hatred: I count them my enemies." (Ps.
"To respect Yahweh is to hate evil" (Prov. 8:13).
"... a time to love, and a time to hate; ..." (Ecc. 3:1, 8).
"Hate the evil, love the good, and establish justice in the gate..."
(Amos 5:15).
The wicked do not "abhor (hate)" evil (Ps 36:4).
"But this you have, that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I
also hate" (Rev. 2:6).
"Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor (hate) that which is wicked; hold
to that which is good" (Rom. 12:9).
We cannot love Yahweh without hating the things He
hates. "Hate" is not a crime. Hate is a prerequisite to be able to
LOVE, for love is meaningless unless it is by choice or preference.
If love is a choice, then it is of necessity a rejection of that
which is not loved. Love, on one hand, means rejection on the other
hand. By Bible definition, that which is rejected is "hated."
CHURCH DEFINITION: A literal place somewhere in
outer space where good people go to live when they are dead. The
location where Jesus lives until He can return to Earth and rapture
a select few people to take back to heaven. A city is there which
has gates literally made of pearls, streets of transparent gold and
walls of sapphires, emeralds, topaz, jasper and other precious
stones. The devil came from there, but he sinned and now he cannot
go back.
CORRECT DEFINITION: Usually plural ("heavens") in the Greek,
meaning "high places" - in terms of: 1. Elevation, or 2. Power and
authority (jurisdiction). Related to the word "heave" in the sense
of upward movement. In the Bible "heaven" symbolizes "God's
government" (the highest authority); it is government by
Jesus whose purity and righteousness is symbolized by pure and
precious stones, and whose authority is from "on high."
The outer-space "Heaven" of pagan mythology, along with numerous
other pagan myths, were adopted by the churches … and re-labeled
"Christian." These pagan myths have been blended with Bible terms
and employed by the churches as a "flood" of lies issued out the
mouth of "the Dragon" (Beast System) as per Bible prophecy (Rev.
MYTHOLOGICAL MEANING: Satan's literal kingdom
somewhere "under the earth" where dead people go if they haven't
been saved. There the dead live forever in endless fire and torment.
God sends all people, with the exception of a few churchgoers, to
suffer there forever.
INTENT: The threat of a "burning hell" is used to terrorize
people and coerce them to join churches as the only method of
escaping it. In this way the masses are brought under the subjection
of antichrist priestcraft.
BIBLICAL MEANING: "Hell" is the grave; any grave or pit where
dead bodies are buried. Figuratively it can refer to the state of
"Helling" is an old English term meaning "to cover," "hide" or
"conceal" … as in "helling potatoes" (covering them in a cellar for
the winter). Another form of the word is "hall" … a place covered
by a roof.
Anyone who dies and is buried is in "hell."
MODERN DEFINITION: A man in the leading role of a
movie. A person idolized because of beauty, popularity, monetary
success, or entertainment characteristics (usually a rock star,
movie star, sports star, or political celebrity)
CORRECT DEFINITION: A champion: defender of the right. A
person with courage who has risked his own life to save or rescue
another, or has been tested and proven to be a godly role model for
strength and endurance. One whose reputation sets a noble standard
for all.
CONTROLLED MEANING: Public roads built for the
good of the people and the land. Highways provide convenience and
enjoyment for the public, as well as the means for exchange of
commerce and industry.
CORRECT MEANING: While highways appear to be a blessing,
their purpose historically has been to facilitate military control
of the land. Their secondary purpose is to facilitate and control
commerce. Highways serve to transport and disperse military troops
and police for quick response in controlling a nation.
The Romans developed a network of paved roads for the rapid movement of
troops. Roads in the ancient world was evidence of the existence of
an authoritarian regime; in fact, the construction of long-distance
roads, with their military significance, is the function of any
strong central government A road system implies central government
over a wide area with power to command labour. The most spectacular
road developments in the 19th century were 'in France, under
Napoleon, and in the 20th century under Fascist Italy and Nazi
Germany. — (Enc. Britannica, 1958)
CONTROLLED MEANING: The imprisonment, murder and
burning of six-million Jews by the German Nazis in World War II.
INTENT: A Zionist propaganda term used to create a sense of
guilt among non-Jews, and to promote indebtedness to, and sympathy
for, all Jews. A form of psychological blackmail (brainwashing),
especially among churchgoers to reduce or prevent thoughts or
actions against Zionist Israelis and the oppressive state of Israel
— thus, granting them carte blanche to kill the Palestinians with
impunity, financially bleed Germany and America, foment war and
terrorism internationally, and morally corrupt the world.
TRUE MEANING: "Holocaust" comes from two Greek words:
holos, meaning "whole" and kaustos,
meaning "burnt." According to Webster's 1828 Dictionary, the word
originally meant "A burnt-sacrifice or offering, the whole of
which was consumed by fire." The term is used in the Bible to
indicate "whole burnt offerings to God" (Heb 10:6). Notice that a
"holocaust" is not just anything burnt, but AN OFFERING
burnt. Thus, the Zionist are claiming "six-million burnt
The fact that the Zionists chose to use the word "holocaust" adds to
the indication that the so-called "six-million" number is
fictitious. After the collapse of the Soviet Union official
statistics were released to the world showing that the "six million"
number claimed by the Zionists was completely inaccurate. The
official number was reduced to under two million ... and that not
due to gassing and burning in ovens, but mostly due to outbreaks of
disease, starvation and depravation caused by the hardships
inflicted on Germany toward the end of the war. Yet, in Zionist
propaganda the original figure of "six million" is still claimed
along with their claims of Nazi intent to kill all Jews.
In fact, the majority of the Holocaust myth comes from the pens of
the Zionist propagandists. While the oppression and torture of
people (any people, including Jews, Arabs, or Germans) seems to be
the nature of war, and is totally offensive to God and anyone with
moral sensibility, nonetheless the use of lies and propaganda for
political manipulation is the accepted and universally-used method
of war mongers bent upon conquering and oppressing people and
nations. In this regard, the most guilty of propagating this lie are
the Zionist churches in America which claim to be Christian but are
CONTROLLED MEANING: The third person of the Holy
Trinity. God the Spirit. A spirit-being who can enter and/or leave
your body.
CORRECT MEANING: "Spirit" is "motivation"; "disposition."
"Holy" means "separate." "Holy spirit" is godly motivation or
inspiration to SEPARATE from typical, worldly lifestyle and become a
sanctified people unto God. Holy spirit is not a person. It is a
motivation and inspiration from God that compels men toward
CONTROLLED MEANING: War waged by maniacal fanatics
without regard for rules and restraints. Unreasonable war.
CORRECT MEANING: There are two basic kinds of war: 1.
Economic 2. Ideological. Economic wars have to do with
bankers and money. Ideological (holy) wars are fought over
convictions and principles. Curiously, the public has been
programmed to disapprove wars fought over convictions … and to
approve wars fought for financial reasons. "Holy war" is usually a
media term used to discredit any war that is waged in disregard to
the war rules dictated by international bankers (plutocrats) for
their own financial gain.
Economic wars are created behind the scenes by international bankers
and are considered acceptable by the public. To understand this type
of warfare we can compare it to the world of professional sports.
The teams are the opposing governments. The owners who control the
teams are the international plutocrats who direct the war games for
their own profit. The league is the realm of the plutocrats' domain.
The team owners' association which dictates league rules equate to
the conspiracy of international plutocrats who make war rules via
international conventions and treaties. Any team that refuses to
follow the rules of the league is kicked out of the league and
boycotted in order to destroy it financially. The game entails
internal skirmishes or competitions on the field of financial rules.
One team can force another team into bankruptcy by bombing their
cities and destroying their commerce, or by forcing them to over
spend for defense in a protracted war. This fierce competition
continues until one gains economic superiority over the other. This
brand of sanctioned competition is the accepted "civilized" warfare
that we have come to revere in America.
Ideological wars (i.e., holy wars), on the other hand, are waged for
ideological reasons (i.e., principles and convictions) rather than
for the sake of money. Ideologues (called "maniacs" by the media)
fight for principle rather than for gain. Whether the principle is
right or wrong is not important to the plutocrats (bankers) who run
the world. To them, ideology is an inappropriate motive for war. To
bankers, money and power are the only acceptable motives for war.
Holy wars are not preferred by the international bankers because
ideologues are hard to blackmail and manipulate. Ironically,
however, the public is programmed to fight for gain, and not for
principle. "Holy wars" are condemned by the international rule
makers and are, thus, banned through conventions and treaties.
Anyone waging "unconventional war" may find himself the victim of an
"International Peace Offensive."
Those who wage "holy wars" are called "barbarians" and "terrorists"
because they ignore the financial interests of the plutocrats. These
are called "barbarians" and "terrorists" because they dare to act
outside of "the rules."
I |
CONTROLLED MEANING: A wooden or metallic statue
worshipped by people. A primitive form of worship in which people
had the undeveloped religious idea that statues could be gods.
CORRECT MEANING: Anything worshipped or idolized. It can be a
statue, a person, or even a concept. However, contrary to common
thought, "idols" are almost never the direct objects of worship, but
rather a symbol through which a "god" is referenced. Idols symbolize
pagan concepts of gods whose chosen way to reach the people is
through statues, icons, relics, etc..
CHURCH MEANING: The worship of statues, or stone,
metal and wooden monuments
ACTUAL MEANING: Putting other lawmakers and law systems in
place of Yahweh and His law system.
The "god" of a society is determined by who, or what, creates its
laws. The god of the United States is its Congress. It creates law
and holds supreme claim to that power via the Constitution.
God's word establishes Yahweh as the only rightful Lawmaker. His
laws are recorded in Scripture. He reserved to Himself alone the
right to make law. He commanded us to have no other gods (lawmakers)
in place of Him. Alternative lawmakers, or systems of law, are forms
of idolatry.
The U.S. Government is the greatest idolatry of the ages. The
Constitution is its charter. Capitol Hill is its temple. Politicians
(lawyers) are its scribes and ministers. The black-robed judges are
its chief priests. International bankers are its trustees (owners)
CHURCH MEANING: The life essence, or spirit, that
inhabits and animates the flesh body of man. The body is merely an
envelop (container) for the soul. The soul of man is immortal. It
cannot die. Therefore, when the flesh body (envelop) dies the
invisible soul (the true life essence) exits the body and continues
separately ... either in heaven, or in hell. Upon separation from
the body, saved souls fly to heaven, and unsaved souls descend to
hell. The soul's immortal fate is determined during its transient
time of occupation in a physical body, ... whether it will exist
forever in bliss or forever in torment.
ACTUAL MEANING: Men do not have "immortal souls." Men are
MORTAL. The teaching and doctrine "the immortal soul" is heathen
myth. It undermines all scripture. Man cannot be "raised" from the
dead if he is already immortal and cannot die.
A "soul" (Hbr: NEPHESH; Gk. PSUCHE) is a physical creature that
breathes air. All manner of animals, as well as man, are "souls"
(they don't have souls; they ARE souls). The Hebrew Old
Testament tells plainly that man was made a "living soul"
(Gen. 2:7, I Cor. 15:45). Creatures on land, in water, and in the
air are "living souls" (Gen. 1:20, 21, 24). Ezekiel 18:4
states clearly that souls die.
The doctrine of The Immortal Soul is a pagan attempt to
make man inherently immortal, like God. Some advocates believe the
soul exists before birth. All advocates believe that it continues to
live, without interruption, after death. It presents the soul — and
thus the actual person — as having no beginning, and no end … the
same attributes as God. This doctrine is the basis for the majority
of false teachings and doctrinal errors of the churches.
CONTROLLED MEANING: A contract not written or
signed, but existing by tacit understanding of the parties, and
reasonably inferred by their participation. Like any other contract,
implied contracts, in order to be binding, must be entered into
ACTUAL USAGE: In today's system, the government assumes
jurisdiction over people by simply declaring them under an implied
contract to perform. Charges, by the state against a citizen, are
based upon the assumption that the citizen is already under contract
— and therefore he is considered bound until proven otherwise. Thus,
the unwitting citizen doesn't know how to proceed in his own defense
because he doesn't understand the charges.
State and Federal agencies, bureaus, and departments have drawn citizens
into contracts to receive "benefits," "grants," and "protections."
After a number of citizens willingly accept explicit contracts, the
government just treats all the rest of the people as if they have
also given their tacit approval through "implied acceptance." The
implication is assumed through something as simple as voluntary
participation on other levels — such as voting, or using public
utilities. Thus, everyone is assumed to be in contract to the
government, and thus under contract law "by implication" — with no
consideration for individual rights.
CHURCH MEANING: An expression used at the end of prayers to
induce God's approval and to make sure Jesus is not excluded.
CORRECT MEANING: An idiomatic expression meaning, "by the authority
of Jesus." To do something "in the name of Jesus" is to declare that
your actions have the authority and approval of Jesus. Praying in
Jesus' name is not just adding a phrase to the end of a prayer, but
rather subordinating your requests to His will and authority.
CONTROLLED MEANING: A portion of citizens'
earnings paid to the government to fund its operation. Without such
contributions, government would not be able to exist or provide
adequate protection and services to its citizenry. The function of
the I.R.S. is to help citizens calculate the correct amount of their
contributions and to catch and punish tax cheats who attempt to
evade paying their fair share and making it harder on the honest
CORRECT MEANING: An oppressive, invasive device of central
government used to intimidate, punish and control its subjects (the
people), redistribute wealth, and confiscate private property.
Income taxes do not finance the central government, for it has
access to all the funds it needs through creation by the Treasury
and/or borrowing (without any intention of repaying) from the FED.
The actual function of the I.R.S. is to gather information on the
private activities of the subjects of central government, intimidate
them into obedience, steal their property, harass them, subjugate
them and destroy (if necessary) any uncooperative chattel (cattle -
i.e.. citizens).
CONTROLLED MEANING: Higher prices, lower wages and
devalued money. The cause is nearly impossible to pinpoint.
Increased amount of currency in circulation, thus making the
existing currency less valuable.
CORRECT DEFINITION: True inflation is caused by issuing
more money than is needed to settle all debts and facilitate a sound
economy. In reality it cannot happen under America's Federal Reserve
System where every Fed Note issued is a debt to the Federal Reserve
Bank. The FED does not create "money" per se; it creates debt. This
makes it impossible for the FED to create true inflation.
Furthermore, when you add usury on top of the original debt it makes
it impossible to ever have enough money in circulation to settle
debts. Thus we have debt buildup, not money buildup.
Today, we are often told we are suffering from too much money in
circulation. The truth is America suffers from too much debt
… not too much money. That is as the bankers have designed it to
keep the public in debt and perpetually dependent upon them for
The official definition of inflation is: "Too much money chasing
too few goods." In other words, an over-supply of currency in
circulation which causes over-bidding in the market place (more
buyers than sellers), thus bidding up the prices. This would put too
much money in the hands of the public, causing the market to be
depleted of produce until prices raise enough to once again
discourage buying, or until the money supply is depleted. This has
never happened in America.
Inflation is a rare economic disorder that very rarely happens. When
it does happen, it is usually a ploy by banks and governments to
import counterfeit money into another country to debauch its
currency and overthrow its government.
This is not a current danger in spite of half-baked predictions of
so-called economists. America, and all other centrally governed
nations, suffer from A LACK OF CURRENCY (depression), not too much
currency (inflation). The cardinal rule of central banking is to
keep the money supply low enough so that people remain dependant
upon bank loans to keep themselves afloat. A sufficient supply of
currency would undo the power of central banks and central
CHURCH MEANING: A religious movement based on
racial theology. Members believe the Jews are the spawn of the
Devil, and White people are spawned from God making them genetically
worthy of salvation. The Devil thwarts White people by compelling
them to interbreed with non-Whites, breaking their genetic affinity
with God and blocking their access to salvation.
There are doctrinal disagreements within the general movement, but the
central doctrine which all seem to accept is that White people are
the descendants of Israel – the sole object of God's interest on
TRUE MEANING: A loosely-affiliated group of churches
purporting to be the remnant of the true Israelites. Much of
Identity theology has come from the teachings of British lsraelism –
imported to America from Britain, based upon Aryan racial
superiority and rule.
Identity churches have taken a historical fact (that the Israel race
corresponds to the Anglo-Saxon-type Europeans, and not the Asiatic
and Mediterranean Jews) and turned it into a doctrine of "salvation
by race" in order to recruit racists into churches. They blend this
with their own mainline church baggage they bring with them,
producing varied hybrid "gospels." Thus, today we see Baptist
Identity, Church of Christ Identity, Charismatic Identity,
Seventh-Day Adventist Identity, Holy Name Identity , etc. – all
corralled, churched, and derailed from their quest of liberty and
truth. They teach that Jesus will return to Earth in the future to
make them kings over the nations of the Earth to rule with a rod of
iron (an old ploy for pacifying a populace with visions of future
retribution ... adaptable to fit each individual's whim).
The ideology has been swallowed up by the churches and become
another branch of mainline churchianity with the typical negative
functions of a church. It is simply another tool to corral those who
may try to break free of centralized mind control. Followers are
drawn to popular central personalities (preachers) who play the role
of pied pipers, each leading his herd in predetermined circles ...
making them confused and ineffective.
The church "appeal" is the most subtle "line" of Beast propaganda in the
field (world). Thus, Identity churches mesmerize and re-program
people into a church-herd mentality. They accomplish this by
ostensibly agreeing with some revolutionary concept about government
or society while covertly rehabilitating people back into the
irresponsible church mold.
Joining a church is wrong, and the label "Identity" is unnecessary. We
seek Truth and follow The Way of Christ. We need no labels. Labels
like "Identity' are used by the media and government agencies to
pigeon-hole, vilify and control people. We are Christians who
know the truth of our identity – along with other truths! Racial
identity awareness is good, if it is accurate. However, Identity
churches borrow this truth to bait people into their damnable
churches to confuse and control them with theological subterfuge.
Jesus instituted free ecclesian communities, not churches!
Church builders borrow one truth to sell ten lies. Don't get seduced
by them! Beware of buzz-word labels created by the media and
churches. We are called to be "separate" and free, not corralled and
conquered. The Beast System uses churches to subdue potential
J |
CONTROLLED MEANING: An Israelite. The seed of
Abraham. The Chosen People of the Bible. One who practices the
religion of the Old Testament, which is called Judaism. Jews are
perpetually persecuted by all other people on earth. God judges the
nations primarily by measuring each nation's relationship with the
Jews. God blesses the nations that support the Jews, but He curses
the nations that do not. The Christian faith owes its existence to
the Jewish culture from whence Jesus and his religion originated.
INTENT: To prejudice Bible-ignorant Churchgoers into
passively granting the Jews a carte-blanche to do anything they
please in the world of religion and politics; to exempt Jews from
normal scrutiny and criticism.
TRUE MEANING: The word "Jew" is not in the Bible
in its original form. The word "Jew" did not appear in actual use
until over 1000 years after the crucifixion of Jesus. The word
incorrectly translated "Jew" in the Bible is: in Hebrew, "Judah" or
"Judahite" (a member of the tribe of Judah). In Greek, "Judean" (a
resident of Judea or a practicer of Judean religion).
In modern usage, a "Jew" is someone who adheres to the religion of
Judaism (Pharisaism), or in some way considers himself a part of
"Jewish culture." Being Jewish is not a racial distinction. "Jews"
are a racially mixed people due to multi-national affinity and
interracial marriage, as well as their contemporary international
bias. Down through the ages, they've migrated from nation to nation
as they were rejected (mostly due to their immoral religion) by
every country they've infested. Over 90% of "Jews" today are
descended from the ancient Khazars — a non-Semitic people from East
Europe. It is estimated that, of those who claim to be "Jews," less
than 5% have a claim to any percentage of the blood line of Abraham.
In our English translations of the Bible, the word "Jew" was
incorrectly used to replace:
1. "Judahite" in the Old Scriptures, which
referred to someone from the tribe of Judah, or a citizen of the
land of Judah, and
2. "Judean" in the New Scriptures which meant a
resident of Judea, or a follower of the Pharisaic/Persian religion
of Jerusalem of that day.
CONTROLLED MEANING: The religion of Jesus which
grew out of Judaism at the time of the early church. Both
Christianity and Judaism have the same origins and the same God.
ACTUAL MEANING: The religious system of Persian Judaism
(Zoroastrianism) amalgamated with church terms, and called
"Christian" … but is more closely related to Mithraism. A religion
created for the purpose of destroying true Christianity by twisting
and perverting Scripture. The result of centuries of mixing Judaism,
Romanism, Mithraism, and old European paganism, continually adapting
these heathen concepts to Bible terms and doctrines. The latest
"ism" to adulterate contemporary Bible understanding is "Zionism":
the support of the state of Israel in Palestine and its nefarious
political/religious agenda.
(NOTE: "Judeo-Christianity" is an oxymoron: a word combining two
opposite things or ideas which are mutually exclusive, thus defying
CONTROLLED MEANING: To be critical; to test or
belittle. It is wrong to judge another person, for to do so is to
suggest that you are perfect. ("Judge not, that you be not
judged" Matt. 7:1).
BIBLE MEANING: In scripture the word "judge" is used three
ways: 1) to lead or reform: "And Samuel judged
Israel all the days of his life." (1Sam. 7:15); 2)
to condemn: "When he shall be judged, let him be condemned: and
let his prayer become sin" (Ps. 109:7); 3) to
test or evaluate: "... call on the Father, who without respect
of persons judges according to every man's work,... (1Pet.
To "judge" is to exercise "judgment." To not exercise "judgment" is to
be irresponsible. (... judge righteous judgment. [John
As children of God we have no choice but to judge. We must judge
everything, even men's spirits (... test (judge) the spirits
whether they are of God: I Jn. 4:1). It is our duty to "judge"
between right and wrong, and choose what is right.
It is ludicrous to suggest (as the churches do) that it is wrong to
judge. Such a statement denies the enmity between good and evil;
clean and unclean. It alleges that all things are equally acceptable
regardless of their nature. That is lawlessness.
"See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil;
...therefore CHOOSE (judge in favor of) life, that both you and your
seed may live." (Dt. 30:15, 19)
CONTROLLED MEANING: A body of people impaneled to
hear a case in court and render a verdict on it. The jury is a Godly
institution, necessary to balance the power of the courts and
maintain freedom in society.
CORRECT MEANING: The jury is a creation of man's system – not
God's. It is designed to take the heat off the court system by
sharing the guilt for its cruelty and sin. Nowhere in the Bible is
there instruction from God telling us to have an adversarial court
system with lawyers, a god-like judge and a panel of "peers" to hear
arguments. God's instruction to man was to set up honest,
responsible JUDGES and ELDERS to judge cases at law.
"Judges and officials (elders) shall you arrange in all your gates
(courts) which the LORD your God gives you, throughout your tribes:
and they shall judge the people with just judgment."
(Deuteronomy 16:18)
The jury is hailed as a great and godly institution by many – with
power to create and/or annul law – just like the legislature. Thus,
the jury's intent is to enforce man's law and usurp the position of
God – just like legislators.
Not only is the jury without foundation in the Word of God, it is in
fact a puppet of the court. The jury is created by the court,
selectively chosen and impaneled by the court, authorized by the
court, threatened and controlled by the court, instructed by the
court on how to view evidence, prevented by the court from using
common sense, not allowed by the court to consider the law of the
case ... and when the court is through using it for its own
purposes, it is then dismissed by the court – all under the delusion
of being a free, sovereign jury.
Juries do the bidding of the courts – convicting innocent people
routinely. Anyone who relies upon the jury to stand up to the court
and uphold truth and justice is in for a sad surprise. The only
advantage of the jury is in that rare instance when a man who still
has a brain and can think for himself manages to slip through the
tests designed to eliminate him from sitting on the jury, and
manages to hang the jury (by refusing to vote like the rest). This
can trip up the court. It isn't a cure, but it makes you feel
MEANING: A jury consisting of people of the same civil rank
or standing as the person on trial.
TRUE MEANING: People carefully hand-picked to favor the
government and oppose the defendant. Usually, housewives or men
without jobs. Often non-professional, uneducated people who's
contact with the world is through their TV. People who feel
privileged to sit in judgment and do what they are told by the
K |
CONTROLLED MEANING: An absolute ruler over a
people or nation. The supreme sovereign who owns the entire land and
has power to make his own laws and command the people.
CORRECT MEANING: From Teutonic origin (cynn) having
to do with race, or "kin." It has come to be associated with a
sovereign ruler, but it didn't carry that meaning originally — i.e.,
as used in the Bible. A "king" was the preeminent male of a tribe,
or the "anointed one" recognized jointly by a family of tribes. He
was the highest leader among a "kin" (a family or clan).
Originally, a king was a leader … not a ruler. He was patriarch of
a tribe. He led his soldiers into battles, taking the same risk he
asked his men to take … not sitting in a palace and ordering troops
to go die to protect him as kings did later in history. He was
subject to the same law that governed the rest of the people. The
concept of ruling and creating laws, and being above the common
people, came from origins other than the Bible.
Christ, as our "King," is not a ruler. He is subordinate to the
Father, and is the "Firstborn": our Leader. He originated from our
"kin," and has inherited the pre-eminent position of Example and
Leader. As a true "King," He does not make up new and different
laws, but rather abides by the laws of his Father.
CHURCH USAGE: Usually equated with "Heaven." A
state of bliss and perfection where God rules with a rod of iron,
and no bad thing can exist.
In secular literature and thinking, "The kingdom of God" is often
equated with "Utopia." "Utopia" was coined by Sir Thomas More in a
16th Century novel as the name of an imaginary island with idyllic
conditions. Thus, "Utopia" came to be used as a label for the
classical dream world or condition in which one's fantasies and
every need, imaginary or real, are fulfilled. It is a Greek word
meaning "no place " ("ou" = NOT "topos" = PLACE).
BIBLICAL MEANING: "Kingdom" (king's domain) is translated
from the Greek BASELIA which is more accurately rendered "reign."
Therefore, the preferred translation is "Reign of God."
Whereas "kingdom" tends to indicate a physical area, "reign" has a
much broader application. "A reign" (kingship) can include a
physical domain, but also faith, allegiance, and jurisdiction..
The Kingship (Reign) of God cannot be limited to a time frame, nor
to a physical location. It cannot be limited to the future, nor to
the past, but exists always along with, and by virtue of, the
Immortal Sovereign Ruler himself. Therefore, we are not waiting for
Heaven's Reign to start. Rather, we are waiting for man's rebellion
to end.
L |
CONTROLLED MEANING: Sole possession and control of
land, including the right to profit on the buying, selling and
trading of that land.
CORRECT MEANING: To hold land for your personal use.
However, in the U.S.A., private ownership of land is impossible
since all land is claimed by the government. Individuals are
permitted to live on the land by paying rent (taxes) to the owners
In Scripture, however, Yahweh is the owner/controller of all land by
virtue of His power, and the fact that He created it (Exodus
19:5; Leviticus 25:23). Man is allowed to use the land through a
granted, un-taxable 49-year lease from Yahweh (the jubilee
Western culture has developed two legal terms defining the holding
of property: 1. "Allodial" 2. "Fee simple." These two
terms can be used to define the relative roles of God and man in the
ownership of land.
1. "Allodial" ownership is the holding of land by power. This
ownership rests strictly upon strength and determination (i.e., the
effort and ability to take, and forcibly keep, the land). It is the
most basic expression of ownership. Among men, allodial land
holdings are won, and kept, by force.
2. "Fee simple" ownership is the holding of land granted from a
higher power (usually a king). "Fee simple" means "without fees,
taxes or payments." This land title is good as long as the grantor
remains in power.
God is the "allodial owner" of the land (Leviticus 25:10 & 23-24).
He grants a renewable "fee simple" land title to families for 49
years. At the end of 49 years, the grant is re-evaluated to make
sure it is still suitable. Man cannot lawfully speculate for profit
on land. It cannot be transferred out of the family. Thus, the next
generation does not lose its inheritance.
ASSUMED MEANING: Unchallengeable ownership.
Protection against confiscation by civil judgments.
ACTUAL MEANING: A patent is a government-certified CONVEYANCE
(movement) of TITLE (privilege of use) of public land to a legal
recipient of a land grant or homestead. A patent declares that the
transaction was un-clouded and free of claims or encumbrances. A
patent does not prevent subsequent claims, damages, liens,
judgments, or transferences.
CHURCH MEANING: In prophecy, those days just prior
to the end of the world. A time of tribulation just before the
return of Jesus.
ACTUAL MEANING: The word "last" is translated from the Hebrew
[akhareeth] and the Greek [eschatos]. In both languages the meaning
indicates future time from that moment on, to the end of a time
period. In many cases, the more accurate rendering of these terms
would be "afterwards," "later" (i.e., "latter"),
or "in the future." Thus, the context must determine its
meaning, whether "later," or "last."
Owing to the Roman Church's early development of a huge body of
theological literature called eschatology (by their
definition "the study of last things"), the Bible usages of these
words were given the general Futurist meaning of "the end times."
But, in fact, in many cases in point the intent of the term is only
"afterward," or "later."
Two obvious examples where the term was used to indicate a
contemporary time period (i.e., the first century AD):
1. And it shall be in the last days, says God, I will
pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your
daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and
your older men shall dream dreams: — Acts 2:17
2. In these last days He spoke to us by his Son, whom he
appointed heir of all things, through whom also he made the ages;
— Hebr. 1:2
CONTROLLED MEANING: Rules legislated by congress.
CORRECT MEANING: From the Anglo-Saxon "lagu" [that which
is laid or fixed]. Law is "laid and fixed" permanently by God.
Man is constantly changing, therefore man cannot make law; he can
only discover it. "There is ONE Lawgiver..." (James 4:12)
CONTROLLED MEANING: Someone with the ability to
control people. Great leaders must have the charisma to excite and
move great numbers of people for any particular cause. Natural
leaders are born with this ability. With the potential power of
today's printed and electronic media, leaders have more power than
ever at their disposal. One short broadcasted speech from the
President can excite and move millions for a chosen goal. Such
leaders are necessary to maintain government and progress.
CORRECT MEANING: A true leader is someone who LEADS – not
someone who calculates, manipulates and coerces from a position of
power. A leader should be first to do whatever he is asking others
to do. Rulers and dictators are not leaders. Gurus and con men are
not leaders. Preachers, politicians and celebrities are not leaders.
Leaders do not charm, brainwash, manipulate, excite and use people.
Neither do they deceive, milk, and bleed the people for gain.
Wars could be virtually eliminated simply by demanding that our
"leaders" go before us into the battle.
CONTROLLED MEANING: The political Left, generally
favoring the Socialist/Communist wing of politics. Also, anyone who
subscribes to, and/or promotes, amoral, undisciplined behavior. The
sin of Liberalism is its abandonment of traditional, moral, and
ethical conventions.
CORRECT MEANING: "Liberal" actually means "abundant;
generous; free." In politics or ethics it means large-minded;
open-minded; generous; not afraid to consider other data before
judging; not insecure.
Modern political jargon notwithstanding, "national Establishments are
NOT moral! Abandoning the Establishment does not constitute "sin."
"Liberalism" does not connote restrictive ideologies like
Socialism, Communism, Amoralism, etc. A "Liberal" mind is secure;
not fearful of exposure. A "Liberal" mind widens its search for
truth rather than narrowing it.
CONTROLLED MEANING: A state of happy citizenship
under a protective central government which grants its citizens
freedom and protects them from all enemies domestic and foreign. The
government of a free people permits them to have freedom of
religion, speech, and association. Free people are allowed their own
property and privacy. Liberty is the result of living under the rule
of a group of lawmakers chosen by the voting populace.
TRUE MEANING: "Liberty" is freedom to do, and be accountable
for, what you think is right. Liberty is living in a state of
natural freedom. Man's natural freedom, under God, cannot be granted
by a government — it can only be honored or violated!
Therefore, anything called "liberty" that is granted by man, or
man's government, is not truly liberty — IT IS LICENSE
(permission to do something that would otherwise be illegal).
License (privilege) can be granted by man. Freedom and liberty
Being able to vote for which group of men rule over you makes them
no less your rulers. Men ruled by men are not free!
Any government system which place men as rulers over other men is a
system of slavery. Liberty is repugnant to such a government. Such
governments usually rename "liberty" with ugly labels such as
"anarchy," "rebellion," and "terrorism."
"Liberty" is when you don't depend upon a government to protect you
or grant you anything. "Liberty" is when you are responsible for
yourself and your property without interference from government.
God's Word is man's best definition of LIBERTY. Where the spirit
of the Lord is, there is liberty." (2 Cor 3:17) "Stand fast
therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made you free, and be
not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." (Gal 5:1) "So speak
ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by THE LAW OF LIBERTY"
(James 2:12).
CONTROLLED MEANING: Lawful authorization to do
something. Licenses are necessary for the protection of the public
and to maintain orderly society. Licenses prevent us from hurting
ourselves and other people.
CORRECT DEFINITION: A license is an indulgence issued by
government to allow a citizen to do something which would otherwise
be considered illegal. Licensing is a practice created by government
to control the activities of citizens and raise revenues. A licensed
man is a controlled man, either voluntarily or involuntarily.
CONTROLLED MEANING: A grant of temporary use of
something, especially money at interest. Loaning money at interest
serves both lender and borrower in that the lender makes profit on
the loan, and the borrower is furnished with working capital.
TRUE MEANING: Loaning money is the most common way of
enslaving men. Loans at usury are the most efficient way to turn
temporary slavery into permanent slavery … since the usury can never
be fully paid.
"The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the
lender." Proverbs 22:7
Interest charged on loans of money is usury and God forbids
it among brethren. In the Bible, loans among brethren were
considered acts of mercy, not investments or opportunities to
"If your brother be waxen poor, and fallen in decay with you,
then you shall relieve him; ... Take you no usury of him, or
increase: but fear your God, that your brother may live with you.
You shall not give him your money upon usury, nor lend him your
victuals for increase" (Lev. 25:35-37).
Usury is theft, and putting out money at usury is an act of war
lawful only against enemies worthy of death.
"You shall not charge usury to your brother; ... Unto a stranger
(an enemy) you may charge usury, ..." (Deut. 23:19-20).
In Deut. 24:10-15 and Luke 6:34-35 we are taught that when we make a
loan to a brother our motive must be to aid him, and that we must be
prepared to forgive the debt if he cannot pay it back.
CONTROLLED MEANING: Lawful enforcement of a
defaulted contract. A lender's right to claim the property on which
he holds the mortgage.
CORRECT DEFINITION: Confiscation of property through deceit,
fraud and artifice. Money-lending (fractional usury-banking) is a
criminal artifice of con-men. It is dishonest and unethical. Bible
Law clearly prohibits lending at usury except to enemies – a
prohibition recognized by Christian society for hundreds of years.
Borrowing at usury and placing your property in mortgage is like
playing cards with the deck stacked and you lose every time.
"Mortgaged property" is "lost property." Bankers, like card sharks,
know how the game works. Lending at usury guarantees riches for the
lender and slavery for the borrower.
Usurers prefer Christians as borrowers because Christians usually
try to be honest and make every effort to pay the mortgage, although
it is ultimately impossible. Usury, unlike the principal, cannot be
repaid because it was never issued into existence in the first
place. If it doesn't exist, it cannot be found. If it cannot be
found, it cannot be paid. Only the principal can be repaid.
Nonetheless, Christians always feel guilty for being unable to do
the impossible and pay the usurer. The result is that they
peacefully hand over their family farms, homes, cars and other
personal property whenever the banker demands them. "The rich
ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the tender."
Proverbs 22:7
CONTROLLED MEANING: A method of reasoning and
arguing which is applicable to secular study and knowledge. The
application of Logic is of little or no use in the area of religion
and faith. Man's logic cannot address the great mysteries of God and
his system of belief and faith.
ACTUAL MEANING: Logic is merely the application of correct
and reliable inferences and conclusions. Logic (from the Greek
LOGOS: meaning "communication" – Jn. 1:1) demands that the
conclusion must correctly follow the given premise or premises. In
other words, Logic is a science or discipline of the mind to assist
man in his reasoning processes and assure that his conclusions do
not sidestep the given premises. Logic is applicable in all areas of
man's thoughts where inferences and conclusions are present. Where
Logic is not used, man is likely to arrive at conclusions that do
not follow the premises of the argument or the issue in question.
Logic certainly applies to one's faith and the discernment of God's
CONTROLLED MEANING: Sexual attraction and/or
sexual activity.
CORRECT MEANING: There are three concepts
generally confused under the single heading of "love" in our modern
vernacular. The word "love" is inadequate to express all three.
Using the Koinê Greek language, as used in the New Testament, we can
clarify it in modern-day English.
The three Greek words usually translated "love" are:
1. EROS: Sexual lust/drive. 2. PHILIA [fee-lee-ah]:
Camaraderie, friendship, attraction, infatuation. 3. AGAPE
[a-gah'-pay]: Selfless altruism and devotion irrespective of merit
or risk.
To prevent confusion, the concepts in English should remain separate
terms. For example: 1. "lust"; 2. "friendship"; 3. "love." (or etc.)
"EROS" (lust) is a lower, fleshly form of "love." People commonly
lust after one another without devotion or camaraderie. Nonetheless,
lust is perhaps the kind of "love" most commonly advertised in
today's world. It is possible for EROS to accompany "camaraderie and
devotion" – as in the husband & wife relationship where all three
factors come together.
"PHILO" is the camaraderie and mutual attraction between people with
common needs and preferences.
"... Greet them that love (philia) us in the faith ..." — Titus 3:15
"AGAPÉ" is the selfless altruism and devotion toward family,
community, and/or the needy:
"For I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me
drink; I was a stranger and you took me in; naked and you clothed
me; I was sick and you visited me; I was in prison and you came to
me." — Matthew 25:35-36
"Greater love (agape) has no man than this, that a man lay down his life
for his friends." — John 15:13
"Love (agape) works no ill to his neighbor; therefore love is the doing of
the law." — Romans 13:10
M |
CONTROLLED MEANING: The democratic process for
fair election, insuring that citizens remain free and adequate
control over their government.
ACTUAL MEANING: Tyranny by the majority over the minority.
Whether Democracy or Republic, Majority Rule forces a percentage of
the people to conform to principles they do not accept. Scripture
forbids Majority Rule: "You shall not follow a multitude (the
majority) to evil; neither shall you speak in a cause to turn aside
after many (the majority) to pervert judgment." — Exodus 23:2
The problem with "majority rule" is that it is a form of "RULE."
"Rule" is "Tyranny." "Rulers" are "tyrants." In Democracies, voters
vie for the position of majority so they can rule over the minority.
The word "rule" is the key. Whether King, Dictator, or a Majority,
"rule" negates man's freedom. "Rule" is a status never
sanctioned by God.
CONTROLLED MEANING: A physical stamp, brand or
tattoo that "the Beast" (a man who rules the world) places on a
person's forehead or right hand, signifying that the person has
surrendered to "the Beast." Usually thought to be the actual numbers
"666." May also be equated with "Sunday Keeping."
CORRECT MEANING: Approval (authorization) issued from the
Beast System. The "Beast" is man's international corporate system of
government, finance and religion that occupies and controls nations
and people. Governments by men are tools used to compile records on
citizens so they can be cataloged, taxed and controlled. Records are
obtained by licenses, permits, registrations, applications - through
banks, public schools, government programs, power companies,
insurance companies, doctors, lawyers, police, etc. Records (marks)
are kept in computers by indexed numbers. Men are monitored,
taxed, and controlled via their computer index numbers. Any
man who wants privacy, and does not accept a number/mark to be
listed in the government computers, is not authorized to buy or sell
within the beast system. ["666" = Man's law system. "6" represents
"man." "3" represents god. Three sixes = man as god: i.e.,
man creates government for making laws to rule the masses.
"And he causeth all, ... to receive a mark [authorization] in their right
hand [their actions], or In their foreheads [their thoughts]: And
that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark
[license], or the name [authority] of the beast, or
the number of his name [authorization number]." ("Number" =
POLITICAL MEANING: Emergency wartime military
jurisdiction over a country until a stabile central government can
be installed.
CORRECT MEANING: Dictatorial rule by a military commander
over a conquered people.
The President of the United States is the Commander and Chief of all
U.S. military forces. Thus, we are ruled over by central government
and are under "martial law." All central governments rule by martial
law — i.e., military force, or the threat of it.
CONTROLLED MEANING: Refers to the relationship
between a slave and his owner.
CORRECT MEANING: Depending upon time in history, and
location, these terms have meant different things. In modem America
they are usually considered approximately the same as stated above.
However, when these terms appear in historical writings they
generally equate to "employer/employee."
In the Bible, as well as in early America, the relationship of "servant
and master" was common. Again, this often speaks not of involuntary
(forced) slavery, but rather voluntary servitude (i.e. contractual
employment). The "master" did not own the "bond
servant" who was bound to him by voluntary contract. Thus it is with
contractual employment today.
The following quote from AMERICAN JURISPRUDENCE gives the
official legal definition:
§ 2. Definitions—"Master," "Servant," "Employer," "Employee."—In
law, the term "master and servant" indicates the relationship which
exists when one person who employs another to do a certain work
exercises the right of control over the performance of the work to
the extent of prescribing the manner in which it is to be executed.
The employer is the master, and the person employed is the servant.
The terms "employer" and "employee" are the outgrowth of the old
terms "master" and "servant;" they have been adopted by reason of
the shift of the relation in general from a personal to an
impersonal one, ….
§ 3. Existence of Relationship: While it is said that at common
law there are four elements which are considered upon the question
whether the relationship of master and servant exists,—namely, the
selection and engagement of the servant, the payment of wages, the
power of dismissal, and the power of the control of the servant's
conduct,—the essential element of the relationship is the right of
control—the right of one person, the master, to order and control
another, the servant, in the performance of work by the latter, and
the right to direct the manner in which the work shall be done.
— American Jurisprudence, volume 35, pg. 445.
POPULAR MEANING: A free armed force comprised of private
ACTUAL MEANING: Originally, "militia" simply
meant "a system or organization of military discipline." The term dates
back to 1590 and derives from the Latin 'milit" which meant "soldier."
Inherently, "militia" connotes no distinction between either a private army or a
government army. That distinction may be determined only by the context of its
For instance, to know what the term "militia" meant in the Second
Amendment to the Constitution ("A well regulated Militia, ... etc.) one
must refer back to Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution which identifies it
as "... the Militia of the several States" indicating a militia
organized by state government over which, along with the Army and Navy, the
President was Commander in Chief.
The point is that the term "militia" is a government term —
especially when
used in the context of the Constitution or constitutional
dictionaries. It neither confers, nor recognizes, private rights or powers of
people to be armed for defense or warfare. Neither are your rights to own and
bear arms protected by the Second Amendment unless you are in a government
militia. The freedom to bear arms can NOT be granted by government. In fact,
freedom of any sort cannot be granted. Power to "grant" is power to
control, which precludes freedom. Freedom is available only to private
individuals who are willing and able to claim it and defend it.
CONTROLLED MEANING: A religious man (usually a
preacher) who teaches religion to people in order to lead them to
CORRECT MEANING: This non-religious term is from the Saxon
word steore, meaning HELM, DIRECTION, STEER. One to whom a
King entrusts the direction of affairs of state; as "minister of
state"; "the prime minister." A magistrate or executive officer.
"Moses rose up, and his minister Joshua." Exodus
"Neither give heed to fables (myths) and endless genealogies
(favor by race), which minister questions rather than godly
stewardship (Kingdom Administration) which is in faith. From
which some having swerved have turned aside to vain jangling
(politics & religion); desiring to be teachers of the law;
understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm
(ignorant preachers and politicians spreading myths)." I.
Timothy 1:4,6,7.
[The three non-religious terms defined above have been re-defined
and misapplied by religious writers, schools, government and
churches, attempting to turn the Bible into a book of religion
instead of a Book of Law and Government as it was intended
originally. By usurping Jesus' government, man-made Central
Government tries to supplant the Reign of Christ.]
N |
CONTROLLED MEANING: A body of people under one
government. A union of "states" or "provinces" under central rule.
CORRECT DEFINITION: A tribe or race of people (as the
Cherokee Nation). From the Latin "natus" – to be born. Nationality
should designate race or tribe. "Nation" is not the preferred term
for The United States because its citizens are not racially alike.
The term as been stretched, however, to mean the land and the people
who are born in the land.
CONTROLLED MEANINGS: 1. Debt the government owes
after spending all taxes it collected. 2. Debt owed by the public to
themselves. 3. The collective debts of all people and businesses in
the nation.
ACTUAL MEANING: Debt incurred by government by loans mostly
from the Federal Reserve, from other international banks, and from
the issuance of government bonds. The term "national debt" is
a misnomer. It should be called "government debt."
Governments incur debt by borrowing from banks to fund their wars and
projects. The government then cunningly tacks the label "national"
to those loans in order to trick the people into accepting the debts
as their own ... collectively. This criminal artifice was enabled by
the "beloved" Constitution which states: The Congress shall have
Power To borrow Money on the credit of the United States
[Article I, Section 81]. The door of credit swung open wide, making
the government the banking industry's best customer. Through
government debt — foisted upon the public — the banks now hold
mortgage over this land and its people.
A government is NOT the nation, nor is a nation a government. They are
two separate entities and should never be confused. Governments
should pay their own bills! The nation should stop picking up the
tab! That which is called 'national debt" is actually "government
debt" and the government (not the nation) should be responsible for
Since government was given a blank check signed by the public the debt
has come to be measured in trillion$ of dollars. That amount,
however, is irrelevant to us (the people) because it is NOT our
debt. It is also irrelevant to the government because there is no
way for banks to collect from governments. But, alas, the banks need
the governments because they are partners in crime. Therefore, banks
don't accost governments for payment. Rather, they accost the
public. Banks and governments have perfected their crime. They found
a way to steal untold trillion$ from the public, call it "national
debt," and let the public accept it as their own. It is ingenious!
CONTROLLED MEANING: The political doctrine of
national independence, putting national interests above other
interests or powers.
TRUE MEANING: The doctrine of asserting the power of the
nation above all other interests, including God's.
Nationalists condemn Internationalism (e.g., The United Nations) as
if national sovereignty would cure all evil. Statists want
sovereignty at the state level. Some folks want sovereignty at the
local level (county, city, etc). These arguments are all relative in
that they each seek sovereignty at their various levels. This is a
critical point in that 'sovereigns" make law, and
whoever/whatever makes law is god. This, "sovereigns" are
Yahweh commanded Israel to not accept other gods. Recognizing
another sovereign (i.e., lawmaker) is idolatry ... at the national,
state, or local level. The clear intent of God's Law is that no
other lawmakers are allowed! Law can be interpreted (not
created) and applied by elders (not by state-appointed judges), and
enforced by the people (not by hireling cops): see Dt. 13:9; 17;
21:18-23; Nu. 35.
CONTROLLED MEANING: The person who lives in the
house next door. One who resides close to you.
BIBLICAL MEANING: Jesus stated two "great commandments in the
law": "You shall love the Lord your God," and "You
shall love your neighbor" (Matthew 22:37-40).
While the word "neighbor," in Scripture, means literally "someone
who is near," it usually connotes closeness in the spiritual
sense (i.e., a friend or brother) rather than close physical
proximity. Thus, the commandment to "love your neighbor" refers not
to one who resides close to you, but rather to one whose heart is
close to yours. Spiritual neighbors share a common spirit. In Luke
10:25–37, Jesus explains it as one who is concerned for your
The intent is obvious. Jesus commands us to love our fellow
ecclesians. An ecclesia is a spiritual community, and our spiritual
"neighbors" are the members of that community. We are commanded to
love these neighbors. We are NOT commanded to love everyone
who lives near us.
CONTROLLED MEANING: A new term used by President
George Bush in reference to an improved state of international peace
and unity. The term was popularized during the war in the Persian
Gulf. Bush has not publicly defined the term, but the general
assumption is that the NWO enhances Americanism and is a good thing.
CORRECT MEANING: 'The New World Order" is NOT a new term. It
has been used as a generic, perhaps cultic, term by several regimes
whose goals were to establish some form of "improved society." A
version of this term was adopted by the United States Government,
not long after its inception. This term, "Novas Ordo Seclorum" (The
New Order of The Age), remains with us today. It is on the back of
the one-dollar Federal Reserve Note.
In more recent history, Hitler promised to establish a "New World
Order" in Germany. However, this reference is rarely mentioned due
to unpopularity.
The term, itself, is the Masonic counterpart to the churches'
"millennium." Masonic religion looks to a state of international
bliss in which Masons have complete control. Bush's preoccupation
with the NWO reflects his Masonic bent for world government.
O |
P |
CHURCH MEANING: 1. Heaven; 2. A holding place for
disembodied souls who have gone to heaven. 3. Place of bliss and
CORRECT MEANING: From Greek paradeisos, and Hebrew
pardace. It is a two-part Persian word: a) "pairi" – (around),
and b) "diz" – (form a wall). Literally, a guarded area
("garden") kept with a wall or hedge around ... and an implied
guardian (husbandman).
The garden (paradise) figure used in Scripture infers a city, a
community, etc. as areas "kept" and guarded (e.g., Tyre in Ezekiel
28:13; Zion in Isaiah 1:8, 51:3; Joel 2:3; Israel in Isaiah 5:1-7).
Cities often use the "garden" or "paradise" theme (e.g., Stuttgart
Weingarten, Germany; Leningrad & Novogardia,
Russia). Israel is "a vineyard" "kept" (protected) by God's laws
(i.e., walls or hedges) as a garden. "Kindergarten" means
"child care or protection."
The "paradise" kingdom of Eden, was figuratively called "a garden"
("guarded" by God's laws). In Genesis 3:24, angels "kept The Way"
of the tree of life (God's laws) in Eden. Again, in Acts 19:9, 23;
22:4, "The Way" refers to Christ's Ecclesia System, in which
Jesus is the Husbandman of the "vineyard" of God: thus, a
"Paradise," in scripture, is a community or kingdom that is
"walled" and guarded. It is not a mythological utopia of "bliss and
CONTROLLED MEANING: A special religious man
(licensed and ordained clergyman/priest) hired to manage a church,
get members to join, give sermons and officiate at church functions.
A preacher whose main purpose is getting people's souls saved from
CORRECT MEANING: The word "pastor has nothing to do with
religion, per se. It comes from the Hebrew RAAH,
and the Greek POIMEN — both which mean
SHEPHERD (in the sense of overseeing, feeding, protecting
or presiding over. It is a civil position of responsibility, much
like being the head of the house, or the patriarch of a tribe/clan.
In the Bible it signifies a civil leader, not a "religious"
CONTROLLED MEANING: A person who loves, supports,
and defends his or her country and its government. Patriotism is the
reasonable obligation of every moral citizen.
ACTUAL MEANING: "Pate" means "head." "Pater" is "father"
(head of the family). "Patrios" (Greek "πατριος") means "of one's
fathers." "Patris" is "land of my fathers." A "Patriot," therefore,
is a member of a "patris" (family or clan). "Patriot" is an
abbreviated form of "Compatriot."
Being a member of a "patris" (clan) is certainly not the same a
"defender of government." "Patriotism" may or may not be a good
thing ... depending upon whether or not one's fathers were worthy of
Politicians have given us terms like "Fatherland," "Founding
Fathers," etc. They use these terms, and others, to subtly and
deceptively convince the people that "Patriotism" equates to
"upholding the government" no matter what it does. Governments
consider lack of support as "unpatriotic" and shameful at best, and
sometimes "sedition" and "treason."
In the case where one's fathers (paters) were opposed to corrupt
government, as in the case of early Americans, a true "Patriot"
today would of necessity be opposed to modern corrupt government.
GOVERNMENT MEANING: Silence. Pacification. The
lack of rebellion or dissent to government power. Wars bring peace
by force.
TRUE MEANING: In relation to people and community, "peace"
does not mean "silence" … since silence can be achieved by
oppression and death ... the classic by-product of government-forced
When Roman armies invaded and devastated Alba, in the 700's,
Calgicus (a Celtic chieftain) stated: "They make a desert and
call it peace." This statement was repeated again later by the
Scots to describe the British military policy called "pacification"
whereby British troops invaded and laid waste to the Scottish
Highlands in the 1700's.
Mao Tse-tung correctly stated that government authority "...
comes from the barrel of a gun." By this principle governments
(including "democracies") have gotten and kept power over people and
nations. Thus, this form of "peace" is achieved by government when
it develops enough gun power to kill or imprison all dissenters,
domestic or foreign.
State oppression, force, and hostility bring silence by
forcing the common people to live in fear. But fear is not peace!
True peace requires that there be no masters and slaves; no nobles and
commons; no class of men who are above the law, and no class of men
systematically deprived of their natural rights. True "peace" is the
lack of hostilities ... a state which will never be achieved so long
as governments continue to be hostile to free men.
CONTROLLED MEANING: Any individual. A man, woman
or child.
ACTUAL MEANING: From "persona" (Lat.). "Person"
is not the same as "man." A "person" is an "entity" – human or
corporate – whose status is recognized and accepted by government.
The status of "person" is a creation of the State. "Persona non
grata" (i.e., "non-person) is a legal term for an entity that is not
recognized or accepted by the State.
According to Bouvier's Law Dictionary, "persons" are subjects of rights
and duties conveyed by government. A "person" is a "citizen": one
who is "entitled" and/or "bound" by government.
"Every full citizen is a person; ... But not every human being is
necessarily a person, for a person is capable of rights and duties,
and there may well be human beings having no legal rights, as was
the case with slaves in English law. A person is such, not because
he is human, but because rights and duties are ascribed to him. The
person is the legal subject or substance of which the rights and
duties are attributes." — Bouvier's Law Dictionary
God created no "persons" – He created MAN. The state creates "persons."
CONTROLLED MEANING: Officers hired to protect the
public from crime and keep the peace – to enforce the law.
ACTUAL MEANING: The enforcement arm of the State to protect
the interests of state from being damaged or compromised by the
public; to keep the public submissive and under control, and collect
revenue from the public for government use. Police are not hired to
protect the people; they are hired to protect the state from the
people. Police are government strong-arm hirelings whose job is to
intimidate and suppress the public and force them to do the bidding
of the politicians and bankers.
people's power to vote into political office the men of their
choice. The hallmark of democracy. The best way for the people to
control their government.
ACTUAL MEANING: The meaningless final step in the political
process where the powers in or behind central governments manipulate
their own hand-picked people into positions of power.
The election ritual is the ostensible gesture used by central
governments to keep their subjects pacified — allowing them to
think, erroneously, that they can exercise control over their
government. The preposterous idea that people can somehow
control their controllers has been subtly planted into the
minds of the American public. The concept is impossible — but the
people mindlessly continue to believe it nonetheless.
Political positions are created, filled, and controlled entirely by
the elite super-rich, the news media, and covert powers (like the
CIA). They coerce, threaten, murder, and bribe people to keep
politics carefully controlled. Politicians serve their masters
(bankers), not the poor voters who are permitted to vote for select
banker-owned hirelings.
Voting — like the Colosseum games in old Rome where spectators were
allowed to vote (thumbs up, or thumbs down) as to whether the beaten
contestant lived or died — only serves to pacify a corrupt
people and entice them to participate in a corrupt system. Political
elections are designed to give government a veneer of legitimacy and
keep it in power.
CHURCH MEANING: God's pre-set immutable schedule
of men's lives from beginning to end. It means that the course and
details of our lives (and the universe) were permanently set, once
for all, before the creation.
ACTUAL MEANING: The term "predestinate," inserted by
translators into some English versions of the Bible, is a
mistranslation. The correct translation is "foreordain" or "pre-sanction."
It means to commission or authorize at the start; to sanction a
course before it is embarked upon.
There is an important difference between "predestinate" and
"foreordain." "Predestinate" refers to how something will be
completed. "Foreordain" refers to how something will be started.
The term "predestination" has been misapplied by the churches to build a
doctrine of Fatalism (the inability of
man to affect the course of his own life). It claims that all of
life's events and details are pre-set according to an immutable
schedule instituted before creation. However, the correct term,
"foreordain," indicates no such thing.
God foreordained (pre-commissioned) Israel by a covenant.
Israel accepted the covenant, then abandoned it and fell from grace.
God divorced her and sent her into captivity. Thus, the ordination
was not immutable. I could be followed, or not followed.
The question is not whether God can see the future, but if
"predestination" is a Biblical term. If the term is not Biblical,
then neither is the doctrine.
Jesus himself was unaware of such a doctrine. His prayer, just
before crucifixion, was a plea to change his immediate future if his
Father was willing (Matt.36:39). If all things were predestined
Jesus would have known better than to pray for a destiny other than
the one that eventually occurred.
CHURCH MEANING: The past existence of Jesus (in
heaven) prior to His beginning on Earth. Many churches include,
under this doctrine, that the souls of all men exist prior to their
mortal birth.
ACTUAL MEANING: Literally "before existence." The term
as used by the churches is a misnomer. To "pre-exist" is "to
exist prior to existence" (an oxymoron).
Churches teach that man has an "immortal soul" that exists prior to his
mortal birth ... and continues after his mortal death. This "soul"
supposedly enters (inhabits/possesses) the mortal body at birth,
then vacates it at death.
Pre-existence (reincarnation) is an old Hindu and Babylonian doctrine
variously interpreted and adopted by the churches. Attempts to apply
this pagan doctrine to Jesus (claiming He "pre-existed") imply also
that He never actually died — that His "immortal soul" conveniently
vacated the body on the cross and continued living. This doctrine is
a serious error, for if Jesus did not truly die then the crucifixion
was a hoax, and He was not raised up from death.
"Christ died ... was buried, and ... was raised up the third day
according to the scriptures: (I Cor. 15:3b-4).
"Pre-existence" equals "immortality." Immortality eliminates death.
With no death the hope of being "raised up" is irrelevant and
CONTROLLED MEANING: A building in which the
government confines criminals, thus protecting the public from
dangerous people.
CORRECT MEANING: A central government "growth industry" which
provides not only huge profits and permanent income with retirement
and insurance benefits for hirelings, but also a proven means of
vengeance, torture and threat used by government to keep the public
intimidated and controlled.
The threat to the public from regular criminals is almost nil, and
it would be even less if police would not arrest citizens for
protecting themselves and their property. Most people live their
entire lives with little or no damage from common criminals.
However, not one day passes that any American can go undamaged from
the big criminals in government who have erected standing armies
(police) and courts to tax us, steal our substance, harass us,
murder us, use us, steal our land, brainwash us, degrade and program
our children, protect usurers, sodomites, perverts and baby killers,
destroy our hope and then imprison anyone who objects.
There is no Biblical authority for prisons. Law breakers are allowed
to make restitution to restore the damage they caused. Those who
refuse to make restitution are banished or executed. Locking people
in cages, at public expense, serves no purpose but to create
hardened criminals, suppress dissent, create the false illusion that
we need police, and provide industry and profit for everyone in the
"police and prison growth industry."
CONTROLLED MEANING: the right of women to have an
abortion — based upon the legal premise that a fetus is only part of
the woman's body. A woman can choose to do anything she wants to her
own body — including doing away with part of it.
CORRECT MEANING: "Pro-choice" is a euphemism for "Pro-death."
It has nothing to do with the rights of women — but, rather, the
rights of babies. The so-called "choice" is whether or not a mother
will allow her baby to live.
The "pro-choice" woman demands, not her own rights, but the abrogation
of the rights of her baby. This contravenes all decency and reason.
A woman's rights pertain to herself, not to others. A woman has "the
right to choose" whether or not to participate in the conception of
a baby. However, once the baby is conceived, that option no longer
A society that produces mothers who hate their own babies enough to
murder them is a society that is so perverse it defies description.
It indicates the total loss or reversal of the very nature of women
as God created them.
CHURCH MEANING: One who predicts the future.
ACTUAL MEANING: While the origin of the word
indicates "a foreteller," the term actually came to mean "one who
speaks for God." Thus, a "prophet" may foretell a future event,
deliver a message (admonition) from God, or interpret its meaning.
A "false prophet," then, is one who claims to speak for God but actually
speaks for someone else. He may be speaking for a church, for
another man, or for himself ... while claiming to speak for God. Or,
he may just be a fool and/or a liar, misrepresenting God's word with
no apparent motive.
In scripture, false prophets are considered dangerous. God demands the
death penalty for them. Thus, to accuse someone of being a false
prophet is a very serious charge — no less than murder. In our
society where the system precludes God's law, all we can do is
identify false prophets, expose them, and avoid them.
CONTROLLED MEANING: A free and beneficial
government program to provide all youth with equal opportunity to
learn the basic skills for successful living and prepare them to fit
into society.
CORRECT MEANING: Government programming for American youth. A
government facility to brainwash and permanently twist and bind
young minds within the parameters of government-sanctioned thought
patterns. Rather than teaching necessary basic skills, government
schools teach lies and retard minds. They severely handicap and
limit mental capacity, destroy Christian values, reshape attitudes
and behaviors, destroy the ability to reason and think for yourself,
and render youth vulnerable to mental manipulation, coercion and
perversion for the rest of their lives.
Government schools (mind programming centers) exist to bring about
change: from independent Christian freedom and individualism to
unified Babylonian-style slavery and a government-dependent mind
set; from private family oriented patriarchal society to centralized
bureaucracy and collectivism.
Public education creates a government monopoly on child training
through strict control and eventual elimination of family influence
and all other alternatives. It is designed to destroy the
independent family unit (the fabric of a free society) and replace
it with a centralized, global society incapable of independent
thought or resistance.
CONTROLLED MEANING: A system to provide low-cost
or free childcare services for the benefit of working parents.
CORRECT MEANING: An innocent-sounding, but diabolical, scheme
to remove children from their parents' influence and natural,
healthy, family home environment, and encourage mothers to abandon
home and children. It also gives the Beast System the advantage of
earlier access to the minds and hearts of children.
CONTROLLED MEANING: Striving for well being,
prosperity, enjoyment, contentment, joy.
TRUE MEANING: "Hap" is an old English word meaning
"chance" or "luck." "Happy" means
"lucky." "Hapless" is "luckless."
"Mishap" is "bad luck." "Perhaps" means
"by chance, or by luck." Therefore, "happiness" is
a state of good luck, or good chance.
The pursuit of happiness is the pursuit of good luck. One would do
better to pursue truth, God's will, and purpose in life.
"Happiness" is not the same as "contentment" or "well
being." Happiness is good luck. Contentment and well being is
the result of God's blessings. Furthermore, joy and contentment are
not found by pursuing them. Rather, they are by-products of pursuing
truth, God's will, and purpose in your life, and by exercising faith
in Him.
Americans seem to be obsessed with the so-called "pursuit of happiness."
Some look for happiness in wealth. Some look for it in popularity.
Some pursue happiness by engaging in risk and danger. Some attach
themselves to bungee cords and jump off bridges. One man recently
spent 20 million dollars to ride in a space shuttle to find
"happiness." Some seek "happiness" by pursuing wealth and power to
rule over others. Some think they can find "happiness" by satiating
themselves in indulgences of all kinds: sex, fashion, entertainment,
But contentment and well-being will always remain elusive to those
who seek it for its own sake. It can only be found by living a life
of meaning and purpose in God's will.
Q |
R |
CONTROLLED MEANING: Discrimination against people
of other races. Hatred of races different from you. The belief that
your race is superior to other races. Prejudice against inter-racial
TRUE MEANING: Belief in racial variation: that people differ
significantly and systematically, in appearance, ability,
temperament, and aptitude due to racial variation. In the Biblical
sense, it means that God created the different races each with their
own particular characteristics, making each race unique.
Before 1950 the word "racism" was not listed in dictionaries. Awareness
of race was taken for granted. It was not an issue. The media, and
certain people with political agendas (the "controllers"), have
created the concept, hyped it, and made it an issue in the last
three decades.
"Racism" (not to be confused with "xenophobia": fear and/or
hatred of people different from yourself) does not imply
hatred, superiority, or prejudice.
God created the races (breeds) of humans as He created different
breeds of cows, horses, birds, etc.. He created them different from
one another, and it is folly to ignore those differences. It is evil
to deceive others by teaching them to ignore differences in race or
All Biblical patterns and examples show that we should marry within our
own breed (race). Interracial breeding undermines the races of both
sides. This, up until a few decades ago, was known as
and was against the law.
CONTROLLED MEANING: Deadly, disease-causing atomic
rays which emanate from "radioactive" sources like uranium and
atomic bombs. Radiation, in any amount, is harmful if not deadly. It
causes cancer, birth defects and mutant life forms. It is the most
deadly poison on the face of the earth. One pound of plutonium (a
derivative of uranium) distributed over the face of the earth would
kill all human life.
CORRECT MEANING: Radiation is light (i.e.. heat; energy )
emanating from any source. Radiation (light) is absorbed and
released by all materials. Life, as we know it, cannot exist without
the benefits of radiation. The Sun is Earth's ultimate source of
All radiation (light) travels at the same speed: 186,000
miles/second and is described by frequency and wave length in the
light spectrum (i.e.. radiation spectrum). Radiation (light) varies
from long, slow waves (ELF) to short, fast waves (ultra-violet).
Most radiation is invisible to the human eye. Visible radiation
occurs only in a very narrow band between infra-red and
ultra-violet. All occur naturally and are beneficial (not poison) to
life unless received in extremely doses.
Excessive levels of these various wave lengths of light (radiation)
can burn human cells. Lesser amounts of radiation (below the level
of burns) are not harmful. Ultraviolet light (radiation) from
uranium, plutonium, etc. is NOT harmful in amounts below the burn
level. Like a common fire which radiates infrared radiation (called
"heat") it is not harmful unless you get enough to burn your skin.
CHURCH MEANING: Physical resurrection; raising
bodies the from graves. Restoration from biological death to
biological life.
BIBLICAL MEANING: A Bible term which can refer to restoration
of biological life (as in the case of Lazarus (Jn. 11), as well
as to the giving of new spiritual life to people who were
spiritually dead. This process is called "re-birth," "raising up,"
"awakening." The salvation of Christ was a social/political
reformation – not a church system. He gave new life to the dead (Ez.
"Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that God
should raise (present active tense) the dead
?" (Acts 26:8). God was raising the dead at that time.
Jesus (and apostles) declared God was "raising the dead" – implying
Israel had been dead in trespasses and sins (Eph. 2:1-7), but were
now receiving new life in Christ. They were being "raised" from
spiritual death (Rm. 6:11-13; Gal. 2:20).
CONTROLLED MEANING: Christianity, or a belief in
God. Religious people are "nice," "peaceful" people who pray, sing
and read the Bible.
The performance of the duties we owe directly to God, from a principle of
obedience to His will. True godliness or piety of life, with the
practice of moral duties. —Webster's Dictionary, 1828
CORRECT MEANING: From the Latin word "religo—meaning "to bind
anew." In Rome, it signified the obligation of contract (or implied
contract) by an oath or vow to the gods. Oaths, regardless of their
nature, have always been sworn by the name of a deity or his
representative (e.g. the oaths of office are sworn on the Bible, in
the name of God). In modern churches this is accomplished through
membership, pledges, and oaths.
In the New Testament, the word "religion" comes from the Greek
"threskeia" [ceremonial observance: superstition]. This Greek word
is from "throeo' [to clamor, i.e. to frighten]. Religious
people bind themselves to superstitious clamor and fear.
In Acts 17:22, Paul describes the Athenians as "very religious." The
word "religious" ("superstitious" in the KJV) is the Greek
deisidaimonesteros [demon-fearing].
from the same premise: FEAR, CONTRACTS AND OATHS.
CONTROLLED MEANING: The best form of government
for man. A sovereign nation ruled by a central government that is
fair, honestly representative of citizens, having a balance of
powers: Legislative, Executive and Judicial — all controlled by a
constitution and by a popular vote. Not a democracy.
CORRECT MEANING: From two Latin words: RE (with
reference to); PUBLIC, (the people). A "re-public" is a
nation with a government that has reference to the public. This can
mean almost anything. Usually parts of the public are incorporated
into some of the administration offices. This provides NO fairness,
representation, ethics or freedom. Slavery does not become
acceptable or honest by employing a few of the slaves to help police
the others.
A "republic" can take many forms: Communism, Democracy, Fascism,
Socialism, and others. There is certainly nothing about "republics"
that makes them inherently good. However, there ARE some things that
are inherently evil about them - namely, that THEY ARE
CITIZENS. Also, they create their own laws in opposition to the laws
of nature and of Christ.
Ancient Rome and Greece are examples of "republics" that have come
and gone. Current well-known "republics" include: Russia, Cuba,
China, East Germany, Mexico, Zimbabwe, and many other nations
including South Africa and the USA. Republics are inherently no
better, or worse, than other man-made government. They are simply
part of the humanistic Beast System that deifies man as lawmaker
CONTROLLED MEANING: The unalienable liberties and
guaranteed benefits that are every person's from birth. "Rights" are
not "privileges." Rights come from God, and privileges are granted
from the state.
ACTUAL MEANING: A "right" is a claim against another man's
property or performance. It is an acquired debt subject to claim and
collection. One man's "right" equates to a debt or a demand against
some other man, or men. BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY defines it as: "A
capacity residing in one man of controlling, with the assent and
assistance of the state, the actions of others. ... A legally
enforceable claim of one person against another, that the other
shall do a given act, or shall not do a given act. "
"Rights" are not acquired by birth, but by contract or debt.
The theory that all men are born with "unalienable rights," as
stated by philosophers (e.g., The Declaration of Independence),
suggests that every man is born with inherent collectible claims
(debts) against God or mankind in general. This theory originates in
slavery mentality, not in God's Word.
God's word instructs us that happiness, freedom, and security are
not ours by right, but on condition that we follow His law (Dt..
28:1; 30:15-20; Jms 1:22-25; 2:15-26). Nowhere does God's Word
indicate that men are born with an automatic claim upon these
things. We are born helpless and in need of instruction and goodwill
– especially from God. In Christ we develop the will and power to
seek freedom. But if we sit back and demand freedom be handed to us,
nothing will happen. Claiming a "right" to be free is like claiming
a "right" to be able to swim. It won't happen unless you are willing
to work to achieve it. Freedom is not free!
To claim "rights" against government implies that a covenant, and
thus a debt, exists between you and government. Only a debt
agreement, an injury or a contract can entitle you to make
claims or demands. The act of making the claim and
pursuing it in government courts indicates a tacit covenant and
establishes government jurisdiction. It is idolatry because it
acknowledges and validates the false god called "government."
S |
CHURCH MEANING: The way to escape this life and
not go to hell. The status achieved by accepting Jesus; also the way
to gain access to "heaven" at the time of death, or at "the
resurrection." "Salvation" is achieved during this life and
rewarded after death.
CORRECT MEANING: The act of being saved or rescued from
something. To be rescued or be delivered from a bad predicament.
Christ saves us with his spirit, enabling us to overcome ignorance,
depravity and sin. The benefit of this salvation is realized in
this present life as well as in the future life (1 Cor. 15:19).
"The salvation of Christ" rescues us from the spiritual death and
blindness that results from our separation from God.
CONTROLLED MEANING: The Arch-Fallen Angel. An evil
being so powerful as to rival God Himself. Originally he was
"perfect" in every way, but his pride led him to organize a heavenly
insurrection among the angels in which one-third of "the heavenly
host" revolted against God. God managed to retain his throne, and
the rebels were banned from heaven and sent to earth. Earth, a
lesser dominion, became the kingdom of Satan—making him "the god of
this world." He is the cause of all evil upon the earth. He leads
men astray and causes them to sin against God.
TRUE MEANING: The Bible word "satan" is not a proper name,
but simply means "adversary." Any adversary or opponent! God was a
"satan" (adversary) to King David at one point (compare 2 Sam 24:1 &
I Chron 21:1). If the English translators had been consistent, Bible
readers would have known that an angel of the Lord was "a satan"
(adversary) to Balaam (Nu 22:22). In I Sam 29:4, Philistines called
a Hebrew a "satan" (adversary). The sons of Zeruiah were "satans"
(adversaries) to David in 2 Sam 19:22. David wrote about other
"satans" in I Kings 5:4, 11:14, 23 & 25; Ps 38:20, 71:13, 109:4,
20,29. In these scriptures, "adversary" is the exact same Hebrew
word the translators chose to render "Satan" in other passages.
The chief "fallen angel" (Satan) of the churches is a pagan myth
inherited from the Persian (Babylonian) religion of Zoroaster.
Zoroastrianism was the religion of Babylon during Israel's
captivity. Zoroaster introduced the so-called "ethical dualism" into
the world … which taught that there are two gods – one good, and one
bad – one to counterbalance the other. This religion was exported to
Jerusalem (and elsewhere) after the captivity, and became known as
"the tradition of the elders" or "Pharisaism" (today called
"Judaism"). It was the religion of the Sanhedrin that murdered
Jesus. It was later adopted by the churches and became falsely
called "Christianity."
This was the Persian/Babylonian source of the so-called "evil god"
("Satan") taught in the churches and kept in the minds of victims of
religious brainwashing.
"Satans" and "devils" walk among us. They are flesh and blood just
as they were in the time of King David. Superstitious fear and
preoccupation with spooks (as taught in churches) blinds people so
they cannot see the real satans and devils.
CONTROLLED MEANING: A publicly owned and operated
institution for formal instruction and education. Education for
youth is provided by Public Schools. Public Schools educate children
and prepare them for adulthood and help them learn to be good
TRUE MEANING: From the Greek verb "σκολη" (skolay): rest,
be at leisure, pause. The noun indicates a group at leisure
together. "School" does not imply "education" or "teaching."
The link to "teaching" came from the fact that people often grouped
together to be instructed by one teacher. A "school of fish" is a
group of fish leisurely swimming together. To be "schooled" is to be
grouped together like fish, or like a herd of cattle.
The term "school" is appropriate for the Public School System where
the emphasis is upon grouping rather than educating. The Public
School System throws children together with strangers for training
on how to "fit in" rather than how to think, reason and advance
academically. Citizenship (i.e., "fitting in") is the main focus in
public schools. Kids are taught to vote, pay taxes, and grow
comfortable with sodomites, lesbians, atheists, anti-Christs,
crooks, liars, and politics (but then I repeat myself).
Public schools also indoctrinate kids to believe that all races
should be mixed together, and that it is immoral to think of another
race as "different" or "separate."
The term "home school" is a misnomer in most cases since "school"
does not imply academic education. "Home education" is a better term
to use. Being "schooled" implies being grouped and crowded together,
which is not the intent of most home educators.
CONTROLLED MEANING: Collecting information from
teachers, published literature, and from all sources available. The
bigger one's library the more truth he has.
TRUE MEANING: Seeking truth is more of an exercise in
culling than in collecting. Gathering information is easy ...
and usually worthless. Culling bad information is the key to FINDING
truth. Truths that are hidden in a flood of lies and untruths get
lost in the heap.
The indiscriminate gathering of information and then storing it all
together in your library gets you nowhere. The higher the heap the
greater the effort and time needed to sort truth out. We should take
into account that we have a finite amount of time and energy to
devote to sorting truth, and it does no good to gather more than we
can sort. Truth is not in the volume of information you may collect,
but rather in the careful rejection of un-truths.
In this age, information is plentiful from sources everywhere. In fact,
information is so plentiful Americans are literally flooded with it.
And yet, Americans are some of the most ignorant of all people of
the industrialized nations. Americans are flooded with
"information," but unable to find truth ... because they fail to
cull out the untruths.
7. Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the
8. ... these resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate
concerning the faith.
9. ...their folly shall be manifest to all men, .... — II
Tim. 3:7-9
CONTROLLED MEANING: Confident; ambitious;
business-like. A self-assertive person is very capable and good at
whatever he does; he is usually a leader.
TRUE MEANING: Tending to assert (i.e., force) yourself into
equations, having presumptuous disregard for manners or protocol.
Egoistic and arrogant. Viewing the world around you as having
meaning only in terms of how it relates to you personally. It is not
mere confidence, but arrogance. Instead of looking outside himself
for truth, a self-assertive man presumes that truth is measured in
terms of how it facilitates his own needs and ego.
In today's society self-assertiveness is hailed as a strength.
However, in past ages it was considered a fault and obnoxious. A
self-assertive man's greatest drive is to manifest and experience
his own self, believing that force of will is a greater asset than
truth, accuracy, and love.
Self-assertive people are obsessed with self. The Women's Movement
(Women's Lib) has convinced women that they must be self-assertive
to be true to themselves. This has resulted in a generation of women
obsessed with themselves, incapable of honoring or loving anyone but
Christians are taught, in Scripture, to be self-effacive (the
opposite of self-assertive). In contrast, self-obsession puts self
at the center of one's world in place of Christ, and the fulfillment
of self takes precedence over obedience, faith and love.
(they) worshipped and served the creature (self) more than the
Creator ... and even as they did not like to retain God in their
knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind.
—Romans 1:25 & 28
CONTROLLED MEANING: Inappropriate tendency to
fight. The use of violence should be discouraged. Christ commands us
to "turn the other cheek" rather than seek our own revenge.
Protection of citizens is the job of police … not civilians taking
the law into their own hands. People should let police defend them
rather than risk breaking the law.
TRUE MEANING: Self defense is the most basic of all freedoms.
It includes defense of yourself, your family, and your property.
Brainwashing people to believe it is wrong to defend themselves goes
against the very structure of God's creation, and it is a classic
tactic used to conquer and subjugate nations. Ability, and will, to
defend yourself from wrongful hurt from anyone, or any entity
(including government), is the foundation of freedom.
Self defense includes protecting yourself with what ever force necessary
to counteract and stop anyone or anything causing personal damage to
you. "Personal damage" includes injury to yourself, injury to your
family, damage to or loss of your property or your family's
CONTROLLED MEANING: Part of the Constitution which
prohibits a religion from mixing with government. The Founding
Fathers put this clause in the Constitution to protect America from
oppressive religions. It prevents ALL religions from influencing
TRUE MEANING: "Separation of church and state" is not in the
Constitution of the United States of America … although it is beside
the point. Article 1 of The Bill Of Rights states: "Congress
shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof." That's all that is said,
and it prohibits government from interfering in "religion" in any
way. It does not prohibit religion from interfering with government.
But as I already stated, these points are worthless since
government, once in power, can do whatever it wants. Furthermore,
the phrase "separation of church and state" was popularized by
political parties for the purpose of separating GOD from state. They
couldn't care less whether "church" is separated from state. Church,
Humanism, Freemasonry, and most other religions, are functioning in
government under the guise of "Human Rights, Ethics, Welfare,
Abortion, anti-Discrimination and Social Security" but they are
careful not to call them "religions."
CONTROLLED MEANING: A religious message given in a
church by a licensed and ordained preacher speaking in a pulpit.
CORRECT MEANING: Any speech, discourse or writing of a
serious or solemn kind, as a formal reproof or exhortation. Address
given anywhere, by anyone of authority, usually on the subject of
conduct or duty. To "sermonize" originally meant, to tutor or teach.
CONTROLLED MEANING: Courses to help children
survive the inevitable threat of premature pregnancy and venereal
diseases, and to cast light upon a vital and inevitable area of
human experience that had been made taboo by outdated and oppressive
religions. Sex education in the schools prevents kids from having to
learn it "on the street."
ACTUAL MEANING: To subvert children, bring them down to the
moral level of the sex educators themselves (usually sexual deviates
and/or sodomites), and destroy Christian ethics. Sex educators want
to justify their own evil perversions and insure that this
generation will never be able to rise above the perverted generation
they were born into.
Learning trash and pornography in school is worse than learning it
"on the street." At least when it is learned "on the street" it does
not masquerade as being acceptable.
Youth have a natural curiosity about sex, and should be given
wholesome and prudent information at home. Children should
never be pushed into a premature interest in sexual matters. "Sex
education" as it is taught in public schools does not enlighten
young children; it confuses them, emboldens them, and often perverts
CONTROLLED MEANING: The institution of buying and
selling humans (as property), divesting them of all personal rights
and freedoms, and using them as forced laborers.
CORRECT MEANING: The above definition (controlled meaning)
is partially correct. However, slavery comes by degree as well. One
does not have to be a total slave to be a victim of slavery. Each
facet of one's life which falls under coercion or forced-performance
qualifies as "slavery" ... to that degree. Slavery is any
condition wherein an accountable adult is routinely forced or
coerced to perform without his consent.
Freedom means not having to perform against your will. When one man
forces another to perform to avoid punishment it is slavery. When
Black slavery was practiced, they were controlled by threat of
beatings and/or killing. Today, most slaves are White and they are
controlled by threat of punishment, violence, prison, property
confiscation, fines, etc. Thus, in order to avoid these damages,
Whites perform and pay fees ... against their will.
The ideal slavery, from the masters' view point, is when the
majority of the slaves think they are free, and they ridicule,
demonize, coerce and inform the police of the few who don't
willingly perform.
"None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are
free." — Von Goethe
CHURCH MEANING: The divine gift of uttering
unknown, uncontrollable sounds understood by God and the angels. A
secret, heavenly language of angels shared with select mortals. The
gift of speaking in "unknown tongues" is proof of a person's
acceptance with God. Sometimes called "glossolalia".
CORRECT MEANING: 'Tongues" is an old English term for
"dialects" or "languages." "Speaking in tongues" indicates the
ability to converse and communicate in languages other than your own
native tongue.
The disciples who spoke in tongues in the early chapters of Acts
were communicating in foreign languages. Whether their ability was
due to their own learning, or due to a temporary supernatural gift
received from God, the result was the same: they communicated with
men of other nations and dialects. There is also some question of
whether the miracle was in the speaking of other tongues, or the
hearing of other languages coming across in one's own tongue.
Churches have wrongly equated "speaking in tongues" with silly
religious babbling and ecstatic mumbling. Before the time of Christ,
both Plato and Virgil described ecstatic speech among the
Greeks and Romans which compares with the modern charismatic
"tongues" experiences. Ecstatic religion is very old. Fits of
"ecstasy," accompanied by irrational babbling and loss of control,
were common in pagan cultures, as it is in churches in America and
among native pagan religions like the Shamans of the American
Indians who, under the influence of drugs, go into trances and see
hallucinations. Superstitious cultures have always tended to regard
public demonstrations of "spirit possession," seizures,
hallucinations, and forms of dementia as being manifestations of
divine influence.
CHURCH MEANING: Pertaining to "spirits" and the
"spirit world," including God (a "spirit being"). Having to do with
one's "spirit" or "soul." Also, inferring a quality of righteousness
or holiness.
Status of, or association with, the mystical and supernatural;
connection or affinity with supernatural powers, communications, and
insights. An elite, inexplicable connection with God.
Association or connection with invisible spirit beings.
CORRECT MEANING: "Spiritual" means pertaining
to spirit. "Spirit" is motive or disposition; therefore
"spiritual" means pertaining to motive or disposition. Motive
and disposition effect a man's emotion and drive, which in turn
produce thoughts and actions.
A "spiritual" person is one who is motivated, disposed or compelled
to a particular action. Or, he may be a motivator of others. Con men
and salesmen are very "spiritual" in that they attempt to motivate
action in others. A madman is very "spiritual" in that he, himself,
is driven by bad spirits (bad motivations).
In Scripture, a "spiritual" man is often one who is
motivated by the influence of God, by the Law, by reading Scripture,
or by righteous peer pressure. A "spiritual gift" is one
which moves us to accomplish something. Romans 7:14 says that "the
law is spiritual" ... meaning that the law motivates man,
giving him a particular disposition. A "spiritual" song is one which
motivates those who hear it. "Spiritual wickedness" is
motivation to act wickedly. That which is "of the spirit"
is that which is produced by a motivation or disposition. "In
the spirit," means in a state of being motivated or acting in
accordance to one's disposition.
As you can see, the Bible contains many references to "motivation."
Motivation (or disposition) is very important, and the writers of
the Bible gave it much attention. Ill-directed motivation (evil
spirit) carries us away into sin. Well-directed motivation (Godly
spirit) carries us on the paths God prefers for us. "Spirit"
(motivation; disposition) shows a person's intent. Intent is
very important. Since man is imperfect, he cannot be judged solely
by performance. INTENT (i.e., ones heart; or spirit) is the thing
God judges. See Hebrews 4:12; I Samuel 16:7; Proverbs 21:2.
CONTROLLED MEANING: An immortal spirit entity that
lives inside a person's body. The soul is that component inside a
man which makes him superior to an animal (animals don't have souls,
thus they cannot attain salvation or immortality). Being immortal,
the soul lives before it enters a mans body at birth, and continues
to live after he dies. It lives either in heaven or in hell after it
exits the man's body at death. During the interim between a body's
birth, and its death, the soul must be "saved" from going to hell.
Souls that are saved (before the body dies) fly to heaven. Souls
that are not saved (when the body dies) go to hell to burn alive
forever more.
CORRECT MEANING: "Soul" is "your identity"; "how you are
known." The word "soul" is used to refer to animals (Gen. 1:24),
humans (Gen. 2:7), and even God (Jer. 9:9). It is not a ghost; it is
not immortal (Ez. 18:4). Neither is it an independent component of a
man. Rather, it is the whole composition of traits, characteristics
and form which define a man or thing. It is the essential
identity which distinguishes one creature from another.
A "soul" (Hbr: NEPHESH; Gk. PSUCHE) is a physical creature that
breathes air. All manner of animals, as well as man, are "souls"
(they don't have souls; they ARE souls). The Hebrew Old
Testament tells plainly that man was made a "living soul"
(Gen. 2:7, I Cor. 15:45). Creatures on land, in water, and in the
air are "living souls" (Gen. 1:20, 21, 24). Ezekiel 18:4
states clearly that souls die.
CONTROLLED MEANING: A parcel of land having
distinct borders and a central government. One such parcel of land
united with other such parcels and jointly controlled by one larger
"national" (central) government. A smaller sovereign government
within a sovereign national government. One section of a
multi-section nation.
CORRECT MEANING: "State" is the correct name for what
people usually call a "nation." From the Greek "stat" fixed;
stationary. A state is a fixed, ruling government over one body of
people. Thus, what is called "The United States" is actually one
large superstate.
"States" exist only in the minds of men. They are mental concepts …
not physical entities.
A "state" (as in "The United States") is a corporate fiction
existing purely in thought. Corporations, and all similar creations,
are FICTIONS (Neither natural nor existing of themselves. Mere
Imagination). They exist by agreement of thought between men.
Likewise, a "State" exists ONLY in people's minds. It is not real!
You cannot see it. You cannot feel it. A "State" is not a piece of
land. A "State" is a political creation: a mental invention of men,
designed to control the people within a given area. It is not a
Biblical concept.
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CHURCH MEANING: To swear or curse in a profane
manner using the word "God."
ACTUAL MEANING: First, "God" is not a name – it is a title.
Therefore, using the word "God" in any manner whatever, may be
profane and unacceptable, but cannot be construed as "taking a
NAME in vain." Secondly, the Biblical phrase "take the name
..." has the specific meaning of claiming affiliation with a higher
authority. The phrase "in the NAME of ..." carries
the same inference – namely, affiliation with a higher authority.
"Taking someone's name," or acting "in the name" of someone, was the
common vernacular for claiming power of attorney under a benefactor,
parent or higher authority. To perform an action, or make a promise,
or incur a debt in "the name" of some person was essentially to
assume that person's power of attorney (i.e., credit, reputation, or
authority) as if acting personally on his directed authority in a
sense of a business partner signing a company check, or in the sense
of a son acting under the father's authority to transact business in
his name.
To "take the name" of someone is a serious and sacred trust. To take
that name "in vain" is to break that sacred trust by failing to
honor an obligation or commission incurred while using that
NAME. It means to bring shame upon the name, or make it
less honorable. In terms of "taking the Lord's name in vain," the
implication is that anyone who claims to be His child and a
representative of His Kingdom (i.e., a Christian) will be held
accountable for actions and deeds done in that "name." Anyone
bringing shame upon God's authority by fraudulently claiming and
acting in His name, or in being irresponsible with that trust, is in
essence a thief – attempting to steal and/or misuse the good name of
our Lord.
CONTROLLED MEANING: One who doesn't want to pay
his fair share of the lawful taxes to support government.
TRUE MEANING: Given the fact that taxation is theft, and the
U.S. Government is criminal, a "tax protester" is one who protests
theft by criminals. Honest historians and visionaries know that
forced taxation is armed theft. Every bright spot in the history of
mankind was concurrent with a general movement away from taxation.
The brightest time in America's history was during the times when
taxes and government were the least.
It is ironic that people born in America are ignorant of what it was
that brought their ancestors to this land. Just 200 years ago
America was mostly wilderness with no appreciable government or
taxes at all. People flocked to this New World by the millions to
find the freedom that was denied them in the Old World (Europe and
England). Back in those countries, the government and taxes were
oppressive. They came to America to get away from the oppression of
Man's governments are parasites. As the parasite grows it consumes
its host, the host loses vitality and can no longer support the huge
parasite. At that point the government parasite must expand its tax
base, or restructure itself. The expansion of Old-World government
into the New World (America) was an attempt to replenish Old-World
treasuries. They taxed the New World, but the people in the New
World resented being taxed by a king 3000 miles away. So the people
of the New World rebelled against the king and his taxes, and opted
to create their own government here. Government was smaller, and
taxes were much less ... at least in the beginning.
The irony is this: people today who most loudly condemn tax
protesters are the same people who extol the virtues and vision of
the early Americans who were themselves tax protesters. This country
that was built by tax protesters is now infested with the biggest
government and taxes on Earth.
CONTROLLED MEANING: One who reacts or protests
against the government by unacceptable measures; usually an Arab, a
White Supremacist, or a dissenter. Acts of violence against the
government are acts against the citizenry as a whole.
ACTUAL MEANING: One who uses violence or the threat of
violence to intimidate or coerce, especially for political reasons.
Politicians (the true terrorists) label anyone, or any group, that
reacts against government oppression as terrorists. Groups or
nations too small to have their own military and air force are
labeled "terrorists" when they fight against government oppression.
Big governments terrorize people and small nations by threats,
intimidations, robbery, and war. This is true terrorism. Those who
speak or act against government terrorism are counter-labeled
"terrorists" by politicians and lackeys in the media. Terrorist-type
incidents are commonly orchestrated by government intelligence (CIA,
NSA, FBI, ATF, MI5, Mossad, etc.) agents sent to infiltrate
dissident groups, inciting one or more of the weak-minded ones to
"help them" do something immoral or illegal – like planting a bomb.
Afterwards, the secret agents conveniently disappear, the blame is
aimed at "terrorists," the police and media follow their scripts
handed down to them, and the incident is used as an excuse to pass
more laws to increase police and military powers.
CHURCH MEANING: "The called" are all the people of
Earth. Everyone is "called" to salvation. "The chosen" are certain
select few: the "elect." They are of a special "election" or
"choosing" which is above the general "call" issued to the common
people. All are "called" to salvation, but a few are also "chosen"
for special service.
"For many are called, but few are chosen." (Mtt. 22:14 KW)
TRUE MEANING: "The called" are those who hear
Christ's call to enter the Kingdom. In the Greek text they are
"klatoi," which means literally "the called ones." The term
"chosen," in the same verse, is a poor translation of the Greek
word "ekklektoi," which means "the called-out ones."
The word "chosen" does not express the real meaning.
The "called" (klatoi) are those to whom an invitation
("call") has been issued. The "called-out" (ekklektoi) are
those who hear the "call" and actually respond. Many hear but
do not respond. A few hear and actually do come out of
Babylon and into the Reign of Christ. Thus, the scripture should
read, "Many are called, but few are called-out."
The difference is not in the "call" itself, but in the hearers. Those
who just hear are the "called." But those who hear and respond
are "the called-out": the "ekklektoi."
Not too surprisingly, these "ekklektoi" ("the called-out ones") are the
ones who make up the "ekklesia" ("the body of called-out ones").
CONTROLLED MEANING: The war of 1861-65 in which
the northern states fought against the southern states over the
issue of slavery. The South wanted slavery, and the North didn't.
The North won the war and abolished slavery.
ACTUAL MEANING: "Civil War" is the term the government chose
to label the war that has been more correctly called "The War
Between The States," "The War of Northern Aggression," or "The War
of Secession." It was not fought over Slavery, but rather over the
issue of Secession. The issue of Slavery was not a main issue. It
was introduced into the war propaganda machine after the war
was in progress. Lincoln needed a public issue to legitimize his
war. He chose Slavery; and the government held to that excuse.
The truth is that Lincoln's "Union" sanctioned slavery in the North as
well ... until the time he decided to use the issue as an excuse for
his war on the South. Political propagandists and newspapers were
enlisted to spread the propaganda. Today, public schools teach, and
most people believe, that the war was fought over slavery. But,
every real historian knows that it was fought over State's Rights
and the issue of Secession.
The South and the North were of different cultures. Northern economy
was built around factories, city dwelling, and centralization.
Southern economy was built around agrarian aristocracy
(plantations), land ownership, and independent trade. Individual
plantations in the South often developed their own economy,
including international trading of their produce. The plantations
were almost sovereign nations unto themselves. They didn't need
Lincoln's government regulating and controlling their way of life.
Thus, when pressured by the "Union" to accept the intrusion of Northern
mandates and controls, the Southern States chose to secede from the
"Union." Lincoln, acting for the bankers and northern industry,
refused to recognize their rights. The South did not want war. It
just wanted independence and freedom to conduct its own affairs.
But, Lincoln's government opted to destroy the South rather than
lose control over it.
CONTROLLED MEANING: After Jesus was crucified and
resurrected He went to Heaven. His coming ("return") will be from
Heaven to reign and rule on Earth.
The time of His second coming is debated by theologians.
Pre-millennialists argue it is before the millennium;
Post-millennialists argue it is after the millennium, and
A-millennialists argue that there is no millennium, and his return
depends upon other factors. Preterists argue that He returned to
Earth in 70AD, at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem.
TRUE MEANING: The Greek παρουσια (pa-rou-si'-a), which means
"presence," is generally rendered "coming" by most English Bibles to
infer that Jesus "will be coming" to Earth. It is an intentional
mistranslation. Parousia means "presence." It does not mean "coming"
or "will be present sometime in the future"; and by no stretch of
the imagination does it mean "coming again." Bible translators have
twisted it to fit their pagan church theology.
Church theology starts with the false premise that Jesus is absent
and therefore must return. Rulers encourage this view. They
like the idea of Jesus being absent, off in outer space, leaving
Earth to be ruled by them. However, the good news of the Kingdom
was that Jesus is King NOW. The apostles upset Caesar's kingdom by
teaching "there is a different king, Jesus" (Acts 17:7).
Jesus himself said He "is with us even to the end of the age"
(Mtt 28:20). If He is with us, then He is not absent. If He is not
absent, how can He "return"? Jesus is unseen, but not absent.
The "second coming" doctrine was created to deny his present Reign
(Kingship). Churches teach people to take no note of Jesus'
presence. Likewise, the people of Noah's day took no note, of
Noah ... and perished.
For even as the days of Noah, so will be the presence
of the Son of man. For as it was in those days BEFORE the flood,
they were eating and drinking, marrying and being given in marriage,
even to the day that Noah entered into the ark, and they took no
note until the flood came and swept them all away. So will be
the presence of the Son of man.— Mtt 24:37-39
CHURCH MEANING: A future thousand-year reign of
Christ commencing upon his return to Earth. The Millennium is a
prophesied time of peace upon Earth, with Jesus reigning as King
while Satan is chained and confined to the bottomless pit (Rev.
TRUE MEANING: A "millennium" is any one-thousand-year period.
In the church world, "The Millennium" refers to a future
thousand-year period defined in specific church doctrine. That
doctrine claims that Jesus was raptured away from Earth to God's
Kingdom in "Heaven" (outer-space) early in the first century AD.
"The Millennium" doctrine removes Jesus and his Kingship far from
Earth for approximately 2000 years, after which time Jesus and his
Kingship will supposedly return back to Earth to rule the planet
from his supposed headquarters in Jerusalem. As Earth's new King, He
will then supposedly "rule with a rod of iron for a thousand
years" – ergo, "The Millennium."
But in fact neither the word "Millennium," nor the concept, appear in
the Bible. The doctrine came from Free Masonic writings, and goes
something like this: Seven, the number of completion, was used
by God to make the plan for man. It was to be seven thousand years
in duration, after the pattern of the 7-day week. As the weekly
sabbath cycle is seven days ending with a sabbath, so God's plan of
salvation has seven thousand years ending with a "one-thousand-year
Proponents of "the Millennium" doctrine claim it is Biblical, citing
Rev. 20 which may almost seem appropriate at first glance. However,
the Book of Revelation is highly symbolic, using figurative language
to explain the effects of Christ's Kingdom (New Jerusalem) upon the
Earth. These prophecies have been coming to pass since Jesus
ascended his New Jerusalem Throne nearly 2000 years ago (Mtt.
28:18-20; Acts 2:29-36; I Cor. 15:25; Rev. 21:1-7; 22:6-10). Rev. 20
is a symbolic overview of that duration.
In Rev. 20, the Greek phrase "chilia etay," means
"thousands years." Church theologians claim it signifies the
Millennium doctrine of the churches. But it doesn't. The symbolic
phrase does not indicate a specific number of years, but simply
"a long time." It signifies that Christ's Reign is of long
duration: many years. In Rev. 5:11, the term "thousands of
thousands" does not indicated an exact million people, but
rather a very great number of people. The actual number of people
could be multiple-millions, as the number of years of Christ's Reign
obviously indicated multiple-thousands of years. Indeed, He has
reigned for nearly two millennia already.
Lastly, and most importantly, the Millennium doctrine of the churches is
heresy because it denies the Kingship of Jesus. It sends Him off
into outer space and separates Him from us, his sheep. In the minds
of those stupefied by this destructive teaching, Christ's Kingdom is
turned over to "Satan" (one of the gods of the churches), and
mankind is left to struggle against supernatural spiritual forces
that rule the Earth until Jesus decides to "return." It is an
anti-Christ doctrine.
Christians must make up their mind. Either Jesus is KING, or he is
not. If He is King, then He is reigning..
CONTROLLED MEANING: The common good of the people.
The objective for which government enacts and enforces its laws.
"The government protects the public interest."
CORRECT MEANING: A euphemism for "whatever is profitable for
politicians." "The public interest" is the will of the government
forced down the people's throats. It is central-government
aggression perpetrated under the guise of "protecting the people
from themselves."
In the public interest ... politicians tax us, lie to us, imprison us,
put us in debt and increase their own salaries to five times that of
the average American. A politician's ONLY real interest in the
public is in plundering their wealth and finagling votes.
CHURCH MEANING: In John 1:1 KJV, "The Word"
(Logos) is God Himself. This term also applies to Jesus, since Jesus
is God. "The Word," and "Jesus," are interchangeable names for God
CORRECT MEANING: The English term "word" is
an inadequate translation of the Greek "logos."
"Logos" indicates communication. A "word" may not always
communicate, but a "logos" does. The "logos" of John 1:1 represents
communication from God to man. God was not the communication
itself, but rather the source whence it issued. God has communicated
with man in various ways, starting with Adam, then Moses, the
Prophets, etc. Eventually God's communication was embodied in Jesus
who was the most excellent expression of God to man (Heb. 1:1-2). As
Mediator, Jesus communicated God's light and life (I Tim. 2:5).
When God's logos took on flesh, Jesus became, in effect, the Living
Logos. He became the most excellent expression of God – much the
same as a business LOGO expresses and symbolizes its company.
If it is a good LOGO it expresses the identity, purpose, and
character of that company.
"In the beginning was the logos [the communication], and the logos
was of God [it was about God], and the logos was God (it expressed
and revealed Him)."
As you can see, in the second instance "the logos" was not "with"
God. Rather, it was "of" or "pertaining to" God. Also,
in the third instance, "the logos" was not God Himself.
Rather, it was "the expression of God." Here, "god" (Gk.
theos) is an anarthrous predicate noun (i.e., it has no article) and
functions somewhat like an adjective. It is not a personal noun.
Examples of anarthrous nouns: God is love; Thy
word is truth. "Love," and "truth" are anarthrous, and
thus classify the subject but do not equal the
subject. God is love, but we cannot say that "love is God." Thus it
is with "the logos" and "God."
In 1 John 1:1-2, John (the same writer) further defines "the logos"
as " the word (logos) of life" (the
communication of life from God). Also, in verse 2, "...the
life (from God) was manifested, and we have seen it,
and bear witness, and shew to you that eonian life, which was
of the Father, and was manifested to us" (first in Jesus, and then
in us). That "life," and that "communication," both issued
from God – but, they were not God Himself. The Creator and
sender is not the thing created and sent. (see IS JESUS GOD? by Ben
CHURCH MEANING: A society ruled by priests and
ministers installed at the top and given sweeping powers by God to
rule with an iron rod. The priests speak for God, thus the
public must obey the priests.
CORRECT MEANING: A true Theocracy may appear to be "Anarchy"
to some because of its conspicuous absence of man's laws and men
ruling. 'Theocracy" means "Government by God." It does not allow for
man to rule man. A true Theocracy requires freedom and independence
from the rule of man or the making of laws by man. Man is subject to
God's laws only. Law enforcement is the responsibility of every free
man (not police), and his actions are answerable to God who judges
and metes out vengeance on anyone who would hurt or violate the
sanctity of that freedom.
In a Theocracy, God is the only lawmaker. The laws don't change. If
man acts lawfully, he increases. If man acts unlawfully, he
CHURCH MEANING: Men who avoid contact with bad
CORRECT MEANING: The "women" of this
scripture were not ordinary flesh-and-blood women, but, rather
corporate entities — churches, governments, schools, etc. These were
"women" (i.e., daughters of Babylon).
Men who avoided defilement (affiliation) with that system of harlot
organizations did so by opting, instead, to affiliate themselves
with Jesus and His system (i.e., the ecclesia system). "These
are they which follow the Lamb wherever he goes."
In the world system, there are thousands of organizations (harlots) —
both religious and political — luring and tempting you to affiliate
(defile) yourself with them. They pursue you like a harlot pursues
customers ... hoping to acquire fresh victims for their perverted
appetites (Gen. 19). Men who are dull of spirit from the effects of
the "wine of Babylon" are more likely to be attracted to these
harlot organizations. Once they are deceived and enticed by these
harlots their mental processes are defiled. They can be redeemed
back by Jesus, but it is better to avoid these "women" in the first
place and retain your common sense and a sound mind.
CONTROLLED MEANING: A geographical division for
local government. A municipal center for the local corporate
TRUE MEANING: An enclosed place or piece of
ground protected by a wall, hedge, fence, etc. A farm with its
farmhouse. The enclosed land of a village community. A field,
garden, yard, courtyard.
The word "town" comes from the Celtic "tun" or "dun" (protected
area). "Town" means "garden" ... as in the Garden of Eden. Adam's
"garden" kingdom was a town. By the same token, towns in America
were originally (and should still be today) gardens or "duns": i.e.,
protected areas in which folks live and conduct business – not
merely designations or divisions of the Beast System. In the western
states, up through the early 1900's, "towns" were usually started as
communities of individual properties belonging to families and
tradesmen as places for staging and for trading posts. They had no
governments, no politics, and usually no problems.
In essence, the original "towns" were closer to the Biblical
ecclesias – much like the Christian Ecclesias of the New Testament.
CONTROLLED MEANING: The betrayal of one's country.
To sympathize with, or give aid and support to an enemy of one's
CORRECT MEANING: The betrayal of government. To
sympathize with, or give aid and support to an enemy of the
Government wants us to think that treason is against "the country" (the
land and people), but in fact it is against "the government."
Government and country are two different things. A government is a
pack of political conspirators conquering and controlling a country.
Betrayal of government is not betrayal of the country. To oppose
government is to support the country. "Rebellion (treason) to
tyrants is obedience to God." (Thomas Jefferson)
Treason implies treachery, deceit, breach of faith. Such an offense
would require that a basis for trust had existed in the first place.
Residency, alone, does not automatically assume a basis for trust
between the resident and the government in power. Some explicit form
of commitment or trust must exist first ... otherwise betrayal (or
treason) is impossible.
Failed rebellions are inevitably labeled "treason" by the government.
Successful rebellions are called "government."
CHURCH MEANING: The Godhead. Three separate beings
(Father, Son, & Holy Ghost) in one unified person: "God." The one
true Christian God.
ACTUAL MEANING: The term "trinity" is not in the Bible. The
word, and the concept, is entirely derived from pagan sources.
Multi-faceted gods (dualisms, trinities, etc.) were, and are,
commonplace in non-Christian religions. The Druids of ancient Briton
had a triune deity. The pagan Romans had a two-faced deity named
Janus. The Asians' Yin and Yang depicts a dual god. From the
Babylonian mysteries (Zoroaster) featured a dualism with a good god
and a bad god. The Egyptians, the Assyrians, the Hindus, the
Buddhists, and other ancient religions had trinitarian godheads –
often symbolized by triangles, father-mother-son figures, and/or
three-headed human figures. (see Hyslop's The Two Babylons
Modern churches carry on the pagan tradition with their "Holy Trinity"
handed down to them from mother Rome. Churches practice
Babylonianism while claiming to be "Christian."
The true Creator God of the Bible is a singular entity: "Hear 0
Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord" (Deut. 6:4). Our
Savior, Jesus, is the Son – not just an alternate name for the
Father. The holy spirit is a drive; a motivation – not a person.
CONTROLLED MEANING: Oppressive and cruel
CORRECT MEANING: Absolute government. The claim
of sovereignty; lordship. Originally, those who used this word
intended no bad connotation.
"Tyrannia." is the Latin and Greek word for "sovereignty."
All rulers, or governments, claiming "sovereignty," are
tyrants by definition, and operate by tyranny. Such governments
(like the U.S. Government) are usurpers of God who is the only true
U |
CONTROLLED MEANING: Working together for a common,
central principle in spite of individual differences. Agreement by
creed, oath or membership for the sake of power in numbers.
Uniformity through pledge and contract is necessary to achieve good
things. Disunity (independence) prevents success.
CORRECT MEANING: From Latin UNITAS, oneness; the state of
being one; uniformity. True unity among men is impossible. Men
are each different and not intended to be uniform. "Common
obligation" through pledge, membership or compact is
voluntary-servitude — not "unity." However, under the banner of
"UNITY," assuming it to be the same as common obligation, people
allow themselves to be herded together like cattle for the
profit of the political or religious herdsmen.
The strength of Christian society is not in membership and pledges
to bind men together, but in "free individuals bound together
by the spirit of Christ." Democracies, Unions and Churches teach
"mob power." But, freedoms are destroyed through "pledges" (Jms
5:12). The world says 'The majority rules." Christ says the majority
leads to destruction (Mtt 7:13-14).
CONTROLLED MEANING: Excessive interest on money lent: i.e.. a higher rate of
interest than allowed by local statute. If no limits are set by
statute, there can be no usury because interest is legal no matter
how high it goes.
TRUE MEANING: Exorbitant profit on anything (Dt 23:19). Usury is strictly
forbidden by God's law. Any interest or increase
exacted by a lender from a borrower as the price of a loan is usury
and is condemned by Scripture (Exodus 22:25; Leviticus 25:35;
Deuteronomy 23:19). Jesus taught that usury is theft (Matthew
Price gouging is usury. Over-charging for anything is usury.
Interest (rent) charged for use of money is usury because it is
exorbitant, for money is non-productive, nor is it devalued by age
or use, and therefore cannot be rented like a house or a piece of
As money changes hands, it changes owners. Like wine
or bread, money is used up (extinguished) in its use. Unlike a house
or equipment, it cannot be returned in the same manner given, any
more than the wine and bread can be used and then returned. As with
the use of wine or bread, the former owner of money cannot charge
for use of the money he no longer owns.
"He who takes usury for a loan of money acts
unjustly for he sells what does not exist . . ." (Aristotle)
Through usury, the rich permanently rule the poor, enslave them,
gain possession of all their property and thus control nations.
"The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant
to the lender." — Proverbs 22:7
In societies where usury is not prohibited, and debt continues from
generation to generation, family inheritances are all eventually
lost to the bankers.
In the Scriptures, "usury" is translated from:
1. HEBREW "naskak": A sting (as a serpent): interest
on a debt.
2. GREEK "tokos": interest on money loaned.
V |
CONTROLLED MEANING: A teaching method which leads
students through critical thought training, helping them develop the
ability to re-evaluate traditional and accepted moral values.
TRUE MEANING: 'Values Clarification" is merely an euphemism
for brainwashing and invasion of privacy! A deplorable strategy for
the systematic tearing down of proven Christian family values and
the setting up of Humanistic values. N.E.A. agents (government-owned
and trained school teachers) are trained to manipulate and mentally
bully the vulnerable children who are yet unable to adequately
defend themselves.
By taking children through theoretic moral dilemmas which they are
yet too immature to address, and for which there is often no real
solution, the children are confused, conquered and then persuaded
that traditional standards of right and wrong are nothing but folly.
"Yea, hath God said 'Ye shall not eat . . .'?" —Genesis 3:1
CONTROLLED MEANING: Uncivilized, ungodly force.
Mean, hurtful behavior. Any and all physical force used against
another person. Violence is barbaric, and victimizes the weaker
members of society. It is never appropriate because it hurts people
and animals. Christians should never use violence to settle their
CORRECT MEANING: Strong, swift, physical force. Violence can
be good, or bad — depending upon the situation. In many instances
God's Law demands violence. Violence is an appropriate option for
self defense against physical attack or harm. For a Christian man to
be the protector of his family, violence must be an option at his
disposal. A man must not be stripped of his means to provide for,
and protect, his family (I Tim. 5:8).
In America, there has been a concerted movement toward "non-violence."
This propaganda, along with the "women's liberation" movement, has
been programmed into the minds of American men. Acceptance of this
doctrine of non-violence has cost American men their manhood.
The true strength of Western and European culture has been the family
unit — including communities of families (i.e., clans or tribes).
Family-oriented society is based upon privacy, property, and the
independence of each family unit — with the man as leader and
protector of each unit. For this proven system to function and
prosper, the man must be strong (both physically and spiritually)
and thus capable of violence when required. When Christian men are
responsible, and potentially violent, they are capable of defending
their people against Babylon's political and religious wolves.
The "women's lib" and "non-violence" movements were designed to
undermine the above-described God-given protections. The "liberated
woman" no longer views the man as leader and protector. And, men
been emasculated. Removing the option of violence from the hands of
the common man leaves responsibility for that society to women and
children — thus, they are vulnerable to religious/political thugs.
While government tells citizens that "violence is bad" the
government itself uses violence, or the threat of violence, as its
answer for all things.
W |
CONTROLLED MEANING: A declared conflict or
prolonged battle between nations. America fights wars to preserve
the peace and make the world safe.
CORRECT MEANING: The word "war" derives from a Teutonic root
meaning to confuse; to embroil; to be in conflict.
War can be waged by anyone, and between any two or more parties.
Typically, however, war is expressed at the level of government and
is called "national war."
In the mind of the common man, "war" is generally equated with
"all-out war," or "total war" – meaning to the death or until one
side surrenders. The truth, however, is that "total war" is never
waged by "advanced" nations. Rather, war is calculated, regulated,
and usually funded (both sides) from behind the scenes by bankers
who alone benefit from it.
American parents allow their sons and daughters to be sent to war to
kill and be killed, destroy, loot and torture people and communities
… "enemies" of whom they have no acquaintance or knowledge – all
because it is called "war."
When the President declares war, Americans get patriotic and support
it … without asking what war? Whose war? And why? Its as if
Americans like war … like a football game.
The truth is, war is never between the people of the nations.
Wars are always between Governments ... for the benefit of the
bankers and politicians (who never fight in the wars). People don't
war against people! People have disputes. Sometimes they even have
feuds. These are settled between the principle parties – without
involving their neighbors.
Governments, however, war against other governments by forcing their
slave citizens, who know nothing about the conflict and have no
stake in the matter, to kill and destroy for them. Citizens enslaved
by one government system are pitted against citizens enslaved by
another government system. They kill one another until one the
bankers are satisfied. Like pawns in a Chess game, citizens are
spent like cannon fodder to enrich bankers and feed their lust for
Wars are between governments ... not between peoples and lands. Wars
are fought, not for the people, but for governments. The people
always suffer. Politicians, Bankers, Lawyers, and Undertakers
prosper from wars, and they alone should fight them! This
would benefit us in two ways: 1. War would be brief, and 2. A true
criminal class would diminish in numbers.
In 1861, Yankee citizens were forced to kill, loot, and ravage the
South so that Lincoln and his banker friends could ostensibly
"preserve the Union and abolish slavery." Secretly the war
architects chuckled because their real objective was not to
emancipate the Negro, but to bring all races to a common level of
slavery under enfranchisement and debt to these same bankers. The
New World Order hated the South ... NOT because it had slavery, but
because it had PLANTATIONS – independent communities with their own
economies having no need of bankers or politicians. In one stroke,
the New World Order crushed the South and virtually eliminated the
future threat of independent communities. Private industry could no
longer achieve independence from central banking and central
GOVERNMENT MEANING: Unapproved or unacceptable
acts committed during war; generally prosecuted and punished after
the war's end.
Guidelines for acceptable warfare tactics are set out by conventions
and treaties agreed upon by international leaders. Acts which fall
outside these guidelines may be punishable as war crimes.
ACTUAL MEANING: The term "war crimes" — as used since WW II —
was invented as a tool for empowering Zionists (both Jews and
Churchgoers) who needed a way to vent their blood lust and
never-ending hatred against Germans. The wanton accusing, hunting
down, and prosecuting of targeted Germans for "war crimes" has been
sanctioned by the United Nations and the United States Government.
International Israeli agents are even allowed to kidnap their
victims and take them to Israeli prisons to be tortured and killed.
This witch hunt continues even to this day over half a century after
the war.
After the turn of the century the U.S. Government turned its
attention from Germans to Muslims – the only remaining ethnic group
to reject the New World Order. Thus, Muslims were demonized and
became the focus of war propaganda invented by spin-masters in
American government and news media. Now the term "war crimes" means
whatever the President and his co-conspirators want it to mean.
Given the true nature of the wars waged in recent centuries —
particularly those waged by the United States Government — the term
"war crimes," as it is commonly used, is itself patently absurd.
When the government and its military are criminal, then its wars are
criminal as well. Thus, it is fraud and hypocrisy to ostensibly
demonize the hapless victims under "war crimes" when the whole war
machine is, itself, criminal from the outset.
When the war itself is the real crime, those who control and
implement it are the real criminals: politicians who invent
the war, oil and drug magnates for whom the wars are fought, the
media that covers up for them, bankers who profit from it all, and
war generals who do their bidding.
CONTROLLED MEANING: A concerted effort by
government to rid the nation of illegal drugs and protect the
CORRECT MEANING: A ploy by plutocrats in league with central
government to create a monopoly on the drug market. Plutocrats use
the lucrative drug market to finance wars, to pay bribes and finance
elections, and to enlarge their personal fortunes.
The "war" is used to create an ostensible "national enemy" for the
purpose of stealing additional wealth from the public under the
false premise of fighting this invented enemy. This illusionary war
is also used to infringe upon the rights and privacy of citizens
through unrestricted searches and seizures, with judges and
policemen having greater powers to invade and confiscate private
property and control the lives of citizens.
The truth is that the government has waged no real war on drugs.
Government is waging war against its competition in the drug market!
The American Government (especially the CIA) is the biggest drug
runner in the world. The CIA, with its personal airline (Air
America) has flown multiple tons of drugs out of southeast Asia into
America and various ports around the world to sell for billions of
dollars – putting huge amounts of drugs on the streets of America –
to finance wars and pad the pockets of their agents (like Ollie
North, Bill Clinton and the Bush family). Then the politicians tell
the stupid American public that they are fighting a war on drugs.
CONTROLLED MEANING: A term for certain basic
rights historically denied women due to Male Chauvinism and general
prejudice against females. These rights are in the process of being
recovered by the "Women's Rights Movement" started in 1900 (Female
Suffrage Movement). Since then the Women's Movement has championed
more and more basic rights and equalities for women through court
battles and media exposure.
TRUE MEANING: Code term given to an anti-family political
scheme to undermine Christian values and ruin women in general. The
so-called "Women's Rights Movement" sought no freedoms, and won no
freedoms for women. Rather, through bribery, blackmail, legal and
political trickery, and campaigns of lies it has created a false
scenario for women into which they are drawn to be tricked and
ruined. But women are not the only target. As the American woman is
destroyed, the family unit – the basis of Christian society – is
destroyed as well.
With the Women's Rights Movement, like other "rights" movements
(e.g., Civil Rights, Gay Rights, etc.), the true agenda was kept
secret. A shinny picture was painted for public consumption, but
their hidden agenda was sinister. "Women's Lib" leaders told the
public they wanted fairness and equality with men, but in fact they
wanted POWER OVER men – and they got it. They also wanted, and got,
legal indulgence to abort their babies; government financial support
to alleviate the need for men; day care centers to relieve them of
child rearing; preference over men in the work place; and social
approval to dress and act like harlots which in turn contributed to
the process of turning the American male into foolish idiots.
The upshot is that, in today's world, women have been empowered
and men have been dis-empowered. That is, women enjoy a legal and
societal license to do basically whatever they please. The resultant
power structure of the Women's Movement has grown so large it is now
able to fund related movements to shape American society, further
obviate the family unit and pervert the minds of Americans …
especially American youth.
CHURCH MEANING: The planet Earth. The Universe.
The physical plane as compared to the spirit plane. The things of
the Earth, as opposed to the things of "Heaven." "Worldly" things
are Earthly and therefore "ungodly" in the sense that the Earth is
the domain of Satan who is "the god of this world" (2 Cor. 4:4).
TRUE MEANING: From Germanic origin, meaning "age of a
man" or "course of a man's life." Modern use of this
word bears little or no resemblance to its original meaning. To add
to the confusion, the King James translators took nine different and
diverse Hebrew and Greek words, heaped them all together and
rendered them all "world."
For instance, the Hebrew word "olam" and the Greek word "aion"
– both of which mean "age" – were generally rendered world or
"eternal" by the KJV translators. The Hebrew word "ehrets"
(meaning "land") was rendered "world." The Hebrew word "taybale"
(meaning "inhabitants of the land") was rendered "world." The Greek
word "oikoumenay" (meaning "domain," and thus "house, or
family or kingdom, or empire") is rendered "world." The Greek word "kosmos"
(meaning "system") was rendered "world" – probably the only correct
translation of the group.
Many of the well-worn church phrases, like "... end of the world,"
take on a completely different meaning when the correct word (in
this case "age") is used.
CONTROLLED MEANING: The act of attending church
services and listening to a preacher.
CORRECT DEFINITION: A verb contraction of the Old English
"worthship," meaning a Lord or King; someone worthy of bowing before
(in submission). In Hebrew and Greek, the words translated "worship"
clearly signify 1. menial labor, 2. service, 3. prostrating and
humbling one's self before a master. It has little, if any, relation
to how it is used in the churches. It is not related to eloquent
oratory, entertainment, or weekly meetings. Rather, it is sincere
respect for, and dependence upon, an Almighty God.
True Christian worship (work and fear) cannot be fulfilled in
churches. It must be done daily at home, in your families, in the
communities, in the market places, and hopefully someday in civil
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