Pastor Sheldon Emry Remembered
Recordings of Memorial &
Funeral Services
Large Photograph Suitable For
"And I will give you pastors according to mine heart,
which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding."
Sheldon Emry was truly a pastor who fit the prophet
Jeremiah's description. Through his teaching many Christian
Americans came to realize just how meaningful world history
really was. Because of his ability they learned how to apply
the Bible, God's Law, to their everyday lives and how it
should be applied to American government. It was through
this special God-given insight that Pastor Emry was able to
show Americans the importance of being a Christian and a
Patriot simultaneously. These Americans were able to
understand all these things because God used Pastor Emry to
open their blinded eyes to their true identity as God's
chosen people.
"Pastor Emry changed my whole life!" was the positive
sentiment that was echoed over and over by many grateful
Americans who came in contact with Sheldon Emry's ministry
down through the years. Indeed, he possessed a special
quality that deeply touched everyone he met.
During his remarkable ministry, which spanned 18 years.
Pastor Emry spoke about God's Law to everyone from heads of
state to small children. In fact his ministry was the
inspiration for a whole new generation of Christian
Patriotic pastors from all parts of the nation.
Sheldon LeRoy Emry was born July 4, 1926 on a farm in Taylor
County near Jump River, Wisconsin. Looking back over his
life and his accomplishments, it seems fitting that he was
born on the fourth of July. His father. Ray Emry, was a
carpenter by trade and in the early 1920's migrated to
Wisconsin from Iowa, buying 40 acres of timberland. In 1924
Ray Emry married Martha Warner and they moved into their
first house which was a log cabin. It was here Sheldon was
born. Sheldon's father cleared his timberland so that he
could build a small dairy farm which consisted of a frame
house and a barn.
Sheldon went to a country school for his first eight years
of school and then rode a bus many miles to attend high
school. It was there he met Elaine Groves, whom he would
later marry.
Following high school, in 1945, he went to Teacher's College
at Stevens Point, Wisconsin. After a year and a half he was
drafted into the army air force where he became a
cryptographer, taking basic training at Scott Field,
Illinois and Sheppard AFB in Wichita Falls, Texas. He was
then stationed at Boca Raton, Florida.
In September, 1947 Sheldon and Elaine were married in Jump
River, Wisconsin and returned to Florida. From there they
were transferred to Biloxi, Mississippi and then overseas to
the Philippine Islands where Sheldon served at Clark Field
for one year. He was discharged in 1949, returning to
Minneapolis, Minnesota to make his home and enter the real
estate business. Four children were born to Sheldon and
Elaine: Brian, Gregory, and twins, Mark and Martha.
In the early 1960's Sheldon became aware of the Communist
conspiracy and became active in many organizations, spending
many hours of donated time showing anti-communist films such
as "Communism on the Map" and "Operation Abolition" to
church and civic groups. He became very discouraged with the
lack of response from ministers, however, and this
eventually led him to decide to leave the Presbyterian
church he and his family had been attending.
An important turning point came when a friend
invited Sheldon to hear a "patriotic" minister whose church
was only a mile from the Emry's home in Minnetonka Mills,
Minnesota. The minister's name was C. O. Stadsklev and he
preached a message mostly unheard of in the popular
religious circles of America. To the average Christian that
message had the audacity to proclaim that instead of the
Jews, the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Germanic and kindred peoples
were the descendants of the Israelites of the Bible, God's
Chosen People.
Nevertheless, it turned out that Sheldon was in the right
place at the right time. He did much study and research on
this strange message Pastor Stadsklev taught and finally
recognized it as the truth. The next six years became a
training ground for Sheldon as he studied under Pastor
Stadsklev, teaching the adult Bible class at Gospel Temple.
Now he began to see that there were more than a few
Americans around the country who believed the Identity
message. Among them was a church in Baltimore, Maryland
which had an association with Gospel Temple.
In 1967 Sheldon, Pastor Stadsklev, and Elder Gus DeVos of
Baltimore drove to Phoenix, Arizona to hold some Identity
meetings. Sheldon got an opportunity to speak at these
meetings along with Pastor Stadsklev and Elder DeVos. God
was bringing Sheldon ever closer to his real purpose and
during a second trip to Phoenix for meetings another turning
point was reached. Sheldon was approached about moving to
Phoenix and going into the ministry full time. It was a
momentous decision that would drastically change Sheldon's
entire life but it did not take him long to choose his
Sheldon was ordained into the ministry at Gospel Temple in
1967, and moved with his family to Phoenix in July of that
year. At the time the Emrys moved to Phoenix Brian was 17,
Gregory 15, and the twins were 9. Every little detail fell
into place. Not only did Sheldon Emry come into the ministry
from a patriotic, anti-Communist background but he had
received his theological training apart from any established
seminary which could have adversely affected his Christian
education with doctrinal errors. His practical business
experience from his time spent in real estate gave him a
down-to-earth handle on managing all the details of a
ministry successfully.
Initially, Pastor Emry took over the radio broadcast that
Pastor Stadsklev had begun and made it into a daily, 15
minute radio program. He also spent many hours of intense
Bible study preparing weekly sermons.
Attendance at the first Sunday services of Lord's Covenant
Church was scanty. Sometimes the congregation consisted of
just one family along with the Emry family, right there in
the living room of the Emry's home in West Phoenix. But soon
a regular group of people began attending the services in
their home and the ministry of Lord's Covenant Church and
America's Promise Radio was on its way.
To help support the family during those early years of the
ministry, Elaine went to work at Motorola. This enabled the
Pastor to stay at home and devote more time to the study of
God's Word and also to attend to church work such as the
daily radio broadcasts and writing various pieces of
In a very short period of time it became obvious to the
people in the congregation that Pastor Emry had been blessed
with a keen, analytical mind and the gift of teaching. He
had the God-given insight to see through and behind any
subject and to discover truths in the Bible that most people
missed. When he then explained these truths in a radio
broadcast or sermon in his unique style people were able to
realize how obvious a hitherto hidden truth was. In this way
he made clear many misunderstandings and misinterpretations
of the Bible. "I must have read that verse a hundred times
but I never saw what Pastor Emry just explained," said many
people. Others remarked: "When Pastor Emry explains it you
just know he's got to be right!"
Pastor Emry also had other remarkable talents which he
skillfully applied to his ministry. He was a speed reader
and his power of recall dazzled everyone. At any time he
could remember something he had read in a book or an article
pertinent to a subject under discussion and relate it as
evidence to back up his argument. He would spend long hours
each day reading, researching and writing books. And since
he was constantly digging for more knowledge, he made new
discoveries as God gave him insight He was not afraid to
change his doctrinal views and admit he had been wrong, such
as when he discovered the anti-Christian source behind the
Christmas and Supernatural Satan doctrines.
In 1970 Pastor Emry made the decision to go on radio
stations in other states around the country. His intention
was to reach out to the nation with the Identity message
rather than keep his light "hid under a bushel" in Phoenix.
At the time more nationwide Identity ministries were
desperately needed.
Elaine had worked to help support the ministry for four
years and by now the ministry had grown sufficiently to
support itself. Elaine was now needed to help make tapes,
fill orders, etc. Through the generosity of Dr. Norman W.
Walker, a dietician, this transition was made possible.
Due to continued growth. Pastor Emry realized that in order
to operate efficiently the ministry would need a new home,
adequately designed to accommodate the many demands of a
church and a nationwide radio ministry. With his customary
decisiveness he formulated a plan of action and carried it
out. In 1972 he purchased five acres of land as the future
site of Lord's Covenant Church.
In the midst of these optimistic plans and with God opening
doors for the ministry, Emry's son, Gregory, was killed in a
traffic accident in October, 1973. He was almost 21 years
old, and left a wife and a small son. The tragedy stunned
everyone but they knew God's work must go forward. Although
it was difficult, the Emry family continued with the
ministry. In 1975, after much prayer, the building program
was implemented on the land purchased earlier. Despite the
emotional drain of losing their son, the Emry family drew
strength from the Lord and came back stronger.
The demands of the ministry were multiplying to such an
extent that it became necessary to hire an assistant pastor,
and after the new church was finished in July of 1975, the
number of employees eventually grew to nine besides Pastor
and Elaine.
During the next few years Pastor Emry accomplished many
things. He authored many books and other pieces of
literature. His bestseller, "Billions for the Bankers, Debts
for the People," started out as a small pamphlet back in the
early 60's during his anti-Communist work. Now, with more
experience and a Biblical viewpoint, Pastor Emry was able to
improve and expand it into book form complete with
Pastor Emry was also the editor of a monthly newsletter
which discussed current events as related to the Bible.
People from around the country looked forward to receiving
this publication because it was a "news center" for
information which was mostly suppressed in the national
media. Pastor backed up this information with a Biblical
Enlightening and educational sermons and radio broadcasts by
Pastor Emry were put on cassette tapes and mailed to his
tape ministry which grew to 1,600 families nationwide.
America's Promise radio broadcasts were carried by 40 radio
stations (the most Pastor Emry had ever been on).
From the beginning of the ministry Pastor Emry had attended
many national Identity conferences around the country as
well as sponsored his own in Arizona. In 1977 he initiated
the first America's Promise Bible Camp which soon became a
welcome annual tradition. These camps did much to bring
isolated Christian Identity believers together and some even
married after meeting at camp.
Other educational tools that Pastor Emry recognized the
important value of for spreading the truth were the
political cartoon and movies. He always had a couple of
cartoon ideas going around in his mind and sent many
political cartoons out in his mailings. He took advantage of
movies by producing "Heirs of the Promise" which became an
excellent device for introducing patriotic Americans to
their true identity.
Pastor Emry also continued the tradition Pastor Stadsklev
had started of traveling to Washington, D.C. once a year to
witness from the Bible to congressmen about God's Law. He
was able to team up with other identity ministers and
together, year after year, they provided practical, useable
information from the Bible to the congressmen that no other
Christian ministers in the nation were providing.
The Pastor's love of history and desire to learn more of the
truth led him to encourage his fellow Christians to travel
with him to England and Europe to learn more about their
ancestral roots. These trips turned out to be just one more
research source that Pastor Emry utilized like a book to
teach his congregation about the Kingdom of God. In fact his
extensive travels enabled him to obtain a clearer
perspective of current events that he could not have gotten
had he depended solely on the news media.
In the course of his life Pastor Emry suffered four heart
attacks. The first attack came in 1964, the next in 1979,
the third in January of 1984. In February of 1984 he
underwent triple bypass surgery. One year later, in February
of 1985, many Christians across the country were saddened by
the news that Pastor Emry was suffering from cancer which
forced him to discontinue his church work.
In his usual manner Pastor Emry threw himself into seeking
the answers to the cancer problem and shared his discoveries
with his national congregation. In Mexico he discovered many
of the nutritional and spiritual answers he had been
searching for. This was evidenced by the way the cancer
began leaving his body. He was well on his way to conquering
the cancer that had invaded his body when, because of his
weakened condition from the previous heart attacks and the
bypass surgery, he succumbed to his fourth and final heart
attack on June 6, 1985. According to God's plan it was time
for Sheldon Emry to pass the torch on to the next
Pastor Sheldon Emry will always be remembered as a great
leader and patriot but also as a loving father, grandfather
and dear friend. He was generous to all and went the extra
mile to help and pray for the sick and needy. The measure of
his friendship could be seen in the lengths he would go to
help his friends. And even though he had an excellent grasp
of how the debt money system operated in the world today he
was not interested in seeking wealth as a personal goal.
Instead he sought first the Kingdom of God.
As one man said, "The one thing that impresses me about
Sheldon Emry even more than his ability to teach the truth
is the fact that he's had the courage to do so. I had begun
to think such men were extinct."