DISCLAIMERThe views expressed by Pastor Sheldon Emry and the Family Guardian website that is hosting this content respect and even protect the dignity and equality of all races, all ethnicities, and all national origins under the laws of God. Below is a quote from the opening page of Family Guardian demonstrating this:
Neither Sheldon Emry nor the Family Guardian website are racists, "white supremacists", "anti-semites", elitists, or a "hate group" as some have FALSELY accused Sheldon Emry of being. Instead, we believe that ALL are equal under the law, regardless of race, and that salvation is available to people of all races. Pastor Emry's church included people of all races and membership was available to ALL and consisted of many ethnicities. We do NOT believe that the Devil or Satan . . . is the father of the Jews or of any specific race or ethnicity. Evil is a heart problem, not a genetic problem, and its only cure is accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and obeying His laws out of love rather than fear. There is a component or sect of "Christian Identity" called the "Two-Seed Line" that does believe that evil is genetic, but we are not part of that component and do not wish to be associated with them. We do NOT believe that one's race makes one superior or inferior to any other race in the eyes of God or in the eyes of the law. We don't believe that it affects one's salvation or their degree of reward or benefit once they get to heaven. It is belief that gets one into Heaven and works/obedience that determine their reward in Heaven but not earth. We are not associated with any one or more of any of the following groups or ideologies:
The Family Guardian website hosting this site describes equality of treatment of all under the law as the FOUNDATION of ALL of your freedom and freedom is a PRIMARY goal of this website. We would be the same kind of hypocrites as the Pharisees that Jesus criticized to advocate the hypocrisy that any race or group of people are unequal, above the law, sinister, or inferior in the eyes of any REAL law. On this subject, Jesus said the following: “For whoever does the will of God [described in God's Laws] is My brother and My sister and mother.” Based on the above, anyone and everyone who adopts Jesus as their King and Lawgiver is, by definition, grafted into God's family, regardless of their race. For background on the equality of all races and peoples under the law, see:
On the Family Guardian site hosting this site, they describe the ABUSE of law to CREATE INEQUALITY between any ethnicities or groups as the main source of MOST of the injustice in this world. The main vehicle for creating INEQUALITY under the law is franchises, privileges, and "benefits". For further details on franchises, see:
About the dignity and equality of all, the Bible says:
We believe that the term "Christian Identity" has been hijacked as a weapon by progressive socialist hate groups to make Sheldon Emry and many others wrongfully appear as racists, elitists, violent, and/or white-supremacists. Our main detractors are, in fact, those who falsely claim to be the true "Israel" of the New Jerusalem. We were among the founders of what we call the "Israel Identity" (not "Christian Identity") philosophy and never saw our efforts the way they are currently being mis-identified and mis-characterized by the JDL, ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), or Wikipedia. Below are some videos proving our assertions:
The process of eliminating hate has become a form of hate, a cure worse than the disease, and the worse sort of Phariseeical hypocrisy and idolatry. Jesus, of course, was among the first to criticize the Pharisees (Talmudic rabbis) for their hypocrisy and idolatry, which is why he was killed. We therefore have some good company. Based on the way the term "Christian Identity" has been redefined (by a Jewish hate group) from its original meaning and mis-identified as a hate or supremacist group, we ARE NOT strictly "Christian Identity" and INSIST that NO labels or stereotypes or even names be used to describe or charactize our faith and and that any attempt to do so is itself a LIBEL and a HATE CRIME. See the following sources for details on the abuse of language to slander and injure the innocent and make them the victim of criminal identity theft:
If our detractors simply can't resist either inventing labels or stereotypes to characterize us or redefining our own labels then using those labels to SLANDER us, then they should be taking anger management courses and be prosecuted for hate crimes. Labels and stereotypes are for LITTLE minds that are closed, ignorant, and presumptuous. Open minds respect and protect the equality, dignity, and uniqueness of any and every human, faith, race, and belief of others. Minds are like parachutes. They only work when they are open. Labels and stereotypes are engineered to: 1. CLOSE minds; 2. Enjoin original thought and progress and the education, intelligence, ingeniuity, and creativity needed to to produce it. For the purposes of this site, the term "Identity" is hereby defined to EXCLUDE the term "Christian Identity". Any attempt to use the phrase "self-described" or "they describe themself as . . ." in reference to us is hereby declared AND AGREED to be FALSE and FRAUDULENT as a precondition of the implied license applicable to using the materials on this site in describing us. For proof that followers of Judaism HATE Christians and therefore constitute a criminal Christian HATE group if they act out their hate to commit crimes or try to slander us, see:
Don't believe us? Listen to a Jew raised in Judaism who renounced his faith and become a Christian: Brother Nathanael Foundation Those of you intent on slandering not only us, but those who help defend us like Brother Nathanael are directed at the following interesting article about him that exonerates what he does: In fact, Former Rabbi Apostle Paul in the New Testament condemns the entire Talmud as "Jewish fables" and even Jesus condemned it, just like Brother Nathanael (a Jew) does:
Apostle and brother of Jesus John also called the Jews the synagogue of Satan in Rev. 2:9 and Rev. 3:9. For those who argue that Israelis and Israelites are the same, or that Jews are Israelites, watch the following professor at Yale prove they are simply WRONG: Lecture 13: The Deuteronomistic History: Prophets and Kings (1 and 2 Samuel)-Christine Hayes, Yale University We don't hate anyone, but at the same time, those who intend to make us the target of THEIR hate or hate crimes deserve an equally strong rebuke and response more out of self defense than anything else. Anyone who approaches us to contradict this disclaimer will be asked whether they practice Judaism, whether they are funded by those who practice it, and what they think of Christians before we will talk to them. They will also be told that we don't use labels to describe ourself and that any and all labels they use to describe us by definition only apply to them as a precondition of talking to us or quoting or using our materials to slander or libel us.
Click here for the disclaimer covering all materials on this site.