The Bible Law Course
From the original course written by Bill
Prepared to be saved and/or printed out for
your personal study.

Bible Law Course
This web site contains a
Ten Commandments Bible Course and a large
number of related Bible Studies focused on
the Ten Commandments; the United States in
Bible prophecy; and even the Book of
Revelation. Above is a statue of Moses and
the Ten Commandments as found on the east
side of the United States Supreme Court
building in Washington, D.C.
Introductory comments:
- Listing the Ten Commandments in
Exodus and Deuteronomy take up just one
half of one page in your Bible. (Just 1%
of Deuteronomy.)
- Deuteronomy is the fifth book of the
- Books have three things;
(1) A title,
(2) A Table of Contents and
(3) Chapters.
- This listing is much like a ten
chapter book's Table of Contents. To
understand a whole book you must know
more than just the title and brief
half page Table of Contents.
Deuteronomy's chapters are Moses'
explanation of God's Law.
- Most Americans think they know the Ten
Commandments, but most Americans and
even the Clergy, have never, ever had
these commandments explained to them.
Some comments from them, are reproduced
- Deuteronomy was quoted by Jesus
Christ more than any other book. Think a
moment, if you do not know and
understand Deuteronomy, then how can you
understand Jesus when he quotes it?
- About 71% of the Bible is about
government. Deuteronomy and many other
books of the Bible were written by heads
of state (presidents, governors and
kings) not by clergymen.
- ALL of America's social, economic and
health problems are caused by the
violation of God's Law. ALL these
problems are solvable by the application
of God's given laws. Other solutions
will not work. These laws from God
for the good of society are recorded in
Deuteronomy, explained by Moses,
confirmed by Jesus Christ, taught
by the Apostle Paul, rejected by today's
churches and politicians.
- The very essence of what it means to
be a Christian is someone who
acknowledges the Bible as a law book FOR
THEM that they are obligated to follow
and which documents the punishments and
rewards for disobedience and obedience
respectively. Anyone who refuses to
acknowledge the Bible as a law book,
claims that any portion of it doesn't
apply to them, or that practices
"smorgasboard religion" where they can
pick and choose which parts are law or
enforceable is what Jesus called
"lawless" and what the courts call an "anarchist".
- The main characters in the Bible who
practiced "lawlessness" were the
Pharisees and Saducees, and Jesus got
very angry at them. He wasn't angry
because they were "legalistic", but
LAWLESS, because they substituted their
own oral traditions in place of what
Biblical Law actually and expressly
said. See:
Who Were the Pharisees
and Saducess?, Form #05.047-Sovereignty Education
and Defense Ministry (SEDM)
- The Bible refers to Christians as
God's "hands and feet" on the Earth.
They are what the courts refer to as
"agents and officers" of God. God's
existence and His presence on Earth is
realized through His people. The Bible,
in turn, functions as God's "delegation
of authority order" by prescribing and
enforcing the conduct that is expected
of those who claim to represent Him and
act in His name, who collectively are
called "Christians". Those who act
OUTSIDE that delegation order are acting
in a private capacity and are what Jesus
called "lawless". These concepts are
thoroughly documented in the following:
Delegation of
Authority Order from God to
Christians, Form #13.007 -Sovereignty Education
and Defense Ministry (SEDM)
- For a much more thorough treatment of
each commandment similar to the format
of this work, where there is one chapter
for each Commandment, see:
The Institutes of
Biblical Law, Rousas John
In the
past, this course was a by mail
correspondence course. Here are a few
comments from those past students who
were also clergymen.
"Boy is God opening my
eyes! I am enjoying the lessons and
learning things that I can not believe
I was not taught in 50 years of church
school teaching and
Pastor H. S.
I felt that you made
some excellent points in your Bible
Law Course about clergymen, I am an
ordained minister with two seminary
degrees. I am a Lt. General in the
national chaplains association.
Nowhere, nowhere in my
training was God's Law ever stressed.
I feel that I will be a better
Christian and minister because of your
Dear Sirs,
Let me say how much I am
enjoying this Bible Study. Thank you
so much. After three years of Bible
School and fifteen years of preaching
that God put his law away in Christ,
God forgive me, and he has, thank God
for opening my eyes. If we ministers
would stop listening to our heads and
start listening to our hearts, we
would know God has not put away his
commandments. God has been trying to
show me this for a long time. I
understand now why we are in such a
mess. I don't know why I did not see
this sooner. I ask for his
forgiveness. In Jesus name I covenant
before God, that from this time
forward I will teach and preach his
whole word.
Recommended Material Concerning the Law of
- What parts of the law are still relevant to us today? (OFFSITE LINK) -Ligonier Ministries
- What
is "law"?, Form #05.048 (OFFSITE
LINK) -Sovereignty
Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)
- What is "Justice"?, Form
#05.050 (OFFSITE LINK)-Sovereignty Education and
Defense Ministry (SEDM)
- Legal Research Sources
Guardian Fellowship. Includes God's
law and man's law.
- God's Law Playlist on
Youtube (OFFSITE LINK) -Sovereignty Education and
Defense Ministry (SEDM)
- Why We Should Obey God's
Law (OFFSITE LINK) -Sovereignty Education and
Defense Ministry (SEDM)
- History of Bible Law and
Index -Sheldon Emry
- Chalcedon
The Institutes of Biblical Law-Rousas
- The Good Book Uncooked (OFFSITE LINK) -annotated version of the bible for use in common law litigation
- Authorities on why we must
PERSONALLY learn, follow, and enforce
man’s law and God’s law-Sovereignty Education and
Defense Ministry (SEDM)
- Laws of the Bible, Form
#13.001 -Sovereignty
Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)
- Primer on Biblical Law
-Richard C. Nickels. Hosted by SEDM as Litigation
Tool #09.010
- The Law: All 613 Commandments! (OFFSITE LINK) -Nike Insights
- Spirituality Topic,
Section 7: Ecclesiastical Courts and
Biblical Law -Family
Guardian Fellowship
- Sermons Page --Sovereignty Education and
Defense Ministry (SEDM)
Section 2: Bible Teaching
Section 4: Law and
- Delegation of Authority
Order from God to Christians, Form #13.007
Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)
- The
Ten Commandments-Prager University
- The Ten Commandments:
Nailed to the Cross or Required for
Salvation?- Restored Church of God
- America Needs the Divine
Law-Dr. J Franklin Snook
- Sermons from Pastor Sheldon Emry on God's
Ye Must Believe the
Jesus Christ on the Law
and the Prophets Part 1-2
Should Israel Enforce
God's Laws? Part 1-2
- Sermons from Pastor Peter J. Peters on
God's Law
The Law Part 1-6
- Sermons from Pastor John Weaver on
God's Law
Biblical Law 1
Biblical Law 2
Biblical Law 3
Biblical Law 4
Biblical Law 5
Case Laws of the Bible
The Abiding Law of the
Prophets (2013/12/12)
The Law is No More
The Necessity of God's law
in Society (2012/12/23)
The Weightier Matters of
Law (2008/12/14)
Application and
Practicality of Biblical Law
The Abiding Validity of
The Law
Promises of the Law 1
Promises of the Law 2
Promises of the Law 3
Promises of the Law 4
of the Law 5 (2019/02/03)
Promises of the Law 6
Promises of the Law 7
of the Law 8 (2019/03/03)
of the Law 9 (2019/03/10)
of the Law 10 (2019/03/17)
of the Law 11 (2019/03/24)
of the Law 12 (2019/03/31)
of the Law 13 (2019/04/07)
of the Law 14 (2019/04/04)
of the Law 15 (2019/04/28)
of the Law 16 (2019/05/12)
of the Law 17 (2019/05/19)
of the Law 18 (2019/05/26)
of the Law 19 (2019/06/02)
of the Law 20 (2019/06/09)
of the Law 21 (2019/06/23)
Promises of the Law 22
Promises of the Law 23
- Sermons from
Biblical Law Restated
- Sermons from Pastor Earl Jones on God's
Relationship Between Love
and Law
Paul and the Law Part 1
Paul and the Law Part 2
- Sermons from Richard Kelly Hoskins on
God's Law
God's Law
- Ten Commandments of
Freedom, Form #13.016-Sovereignty Education and
Defense Ministry (SEDM). An
application of God's law to the subject of
freedom, formatted similar to the Ten
- The Law, by Frederic
Bastiat. Prescribes the ONLY
legitimate purpose of law, which is the
protection of PRIVATE, individual human
- Justice and Compassion in
Biblical Law, Richard Hiers. Scribd
- The Philosophy of the Ten Commandments-Dr.
Duke Pesta
- One For Israel Ministry
- One Nation Under God
(OFFSITE LINK) -John Macarthur, Grace to You
- The Dreaded
Pharisee Card (OFFSITE LINK) -Wretched
- The
King James Version: Translating the Worlds
Most Popular Book (OFFSITE LINK)
-History Guy
- Sanctification: The Honorable Obsession -John Macarthur, with commentary
- What Makes the Bible So Special? (OFFSITE LINK) -Jordan Peterson
- On Jesus Christ, Christianity, and What it Means to Have Faith (OFFSITE LINK) -Jordan Peterson
- The Highest Truth Of Them All-Jordan Peterson Deconstructing the BIBLE (OFFSITE LINK)-Jordan Peterson
- Is the Love of God Unconditional? (OFFSITE LINK) -R.C. Sproul
- Did Jesus die for the sins of every person or only for the elect? (OFFSITE LINK) -Ligonier Ministries
- The Bible, Symbol, and Identity (OFFSITE
LINK) -Jordan Peterson