The Sheldon Emry
Memorial Library
Welcomes You
The teaching of the gospel of God's Kingdom has evolved
through the ages. The invention of Guttenberg's printing press made it
possible to use the printed word as never before. Radio made it possible to
spread the spoken word in the form of sermons. The tape recorder first the
reel-to-reel and finally the compact cassette made it possible for a
ministry to reach people far beyond a local church.
Pastor Sheldon Emry was a leader in utilizing all the
media available to him to teach the Kingdom message in a clear and concise
manner that few could equal. After his death in 1985, the availability of
his books, sermon tapes and other literature began a slow decline for
various reasons. The cassette was about to be replaced by computer discs;
printing and postage costs increased. It seemed other ministers were too
busy promoting themselves to keep Pastor Emry's memory and messages alive. If
something hadn't been done soon, both he and his works would have been
forgotten and lost for
Therefore, in 2007 the idea of a memorial library in his
honor was born. What was envisioned was a website where anyone in the world, who had
access to the internet, could study his written material and listen to his
many sermons. It was to be a spiritual endeavor where the Kingdom Gospel was
free and NOT be another money making mail order business. You won't find a
"Donation" button on this website. While we accept and have received help as God directs, we don't
entice you to place such gift on a (debt/usury) credit card. Efforts still continue to locate missing literature and tapes
so the library can contain, as close as possible, Pastor Emry's witness as
he would have presented it.

Pastor Emry's former home and headquarters as it appeared in 2011.
Through the large arches on the left, you entered the chapel where the Lord's Covenant Church met.
Library statistics:
- 962 mp3 audio files
- 278 PDF book files
- 7 mp4 movies
- 1367 files
- 7.8GB of content
You can download a free copy of the entire site in ZIP format below: